The unacceptable is happening and the authorities blow it off, to numb us. De-numb!

Drones hit Europe's largest nuke plant, while Israel bombs public schools, starves and expels 2 million Gazans from their homes. Britain attacks the poor and Canada assists its citizens to die.

Please no more numbness. These are crimes against humanity. While in the UK, the government has made war on the population for tweets and posts, refused to police crimes, surveilled the citizens incessantly, closed city centers to cars and generally made life miserable.

It is the Supranational state against everyone else. Puppet Volodymyr Zelensky, managed by the moronic US State Department, warring against both the Ukrainians and the Russians, attacking his own country’s nuke plant because it is managed by Russians. But the radiation will spread over Ukraine first.

Puppet Starmer finally getting his dream job and now able to roll out the real plan and squeeze his pensioners and poor till they become destitute.

Justin Trudeau’s Canada offering the poor the opportunity of a medically assisted death.

And the arch criminal Netanyahu and his pals doing their best to outdo the Nazis at ethnic cleansing, while using the world’s best propaganda on their own citizens so they believe it is they who are under constant attack, not Gaza!

We need to think this through and find a way for each of us to do something, because we do have responsibility for our brothers and sisters, our children and grandchildren.

What did people do in the past? Boycotts. Some stopped paying taxes. They marched in the street. They held general strikes. We have no organizations to help and guide us in such endeavors; the unions, the old left organizations have been destroyed from the inside. Maybe the churches can awaken? How to act together?

If I remember correctly, it was the expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia in 1970, on top of the draft and the Vietnam horrors,and then the National Guard inexplicably shooting student protesters at Kent State, Ohio and Jackson State, Mississippi (8 dead, many wounded) that led to what seemed like a spontaneous domino slide as all the universities went on strike and wound up closing for the semester weeks early, because the students stopped attending class. (I was in the infirmary sick with Mononucleosis so I missed what was happening.)

The strike across campuses revealed the power of collective action. Born out of the shutdown, there was an explosion of activity by hundreds of thousands of students not previously engaged in anti-war activity, creating major political tremors across the country, including helping to curtail military intervention in Southeast Asia.

As Neil Sheehan notes in A Bright Shining Lie, his prize-winning Vietnam War history, the “bonfire of protest” ignited by Nixon’s “incursion” into Cambodia was so great that the White House “had no choice but to accelerate the withdrawal” of US troops from the region. Unfortunately, the halting pace of American disengagement continued for another five years, amid much further bloodshed among the Vietnamese (who suffered an estimated 3 million civilian and military deaths overall).

It will be good for us to take on some individual responsibility and find something to do to make things better. If enough people do something the world will change. Finding a way for each of us to do whatever we can, even if only to say stop the horror. To say this war on humanity ends NOW.

We need to face the horror. Let it wash over us, break through the numbness we use to keep out the pain of acknowledging that our world is being exploded all around us. This is not okay, and the Supranational ogres are not stopping. They are only upping the ante.

They do one thing in one country, then a different horror over there, seeing what the traffic will bear. We truly need to realize what Martin Niemoller came to understand:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

And they throw dirty crazy lies in our faces. Just like the lie that Russia blew up its own Nordstream pipelines:

Aug 11 (Reuters) – Moscow and Kyiv accused each other of starting a fire on the grounds of Europe’s largest and now Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine on Sunday, with both sides reporting no sign of elevated radiation.

The U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear watchdog, which has a presence at the vast six-reactor facility, said its experts had seen strong, dark smoke coming from the northern area of the plant in southern Ukraine following multiple explosions.

Russian state news agencies, TASS and RIA, cited the country’s nuclear energy company Rosatom as saying the main fire was extinguished shortly before midnight on Sunday…

The NYT has not covered the nuclear power plant fire yet.

Israel: Serially expelling Gazans from their homes to grab choice real estate and offshore oil and gas, and maybe an aquifer while they are at it. Selecting hospitals, mosques and schools as targets. Traumatizing its own Israeli youth who are made to commit war crime after war crime. From Reuters:

Gaza’s Civil Emergency Service, which has a credible record in stating casualty numbers, and the Hamas-run government media office said in separate statements that the complex had been attacked while its occupants were performing dawn prayers.

“So far, there are more than 93 martyrs, including 11 children and six women. There are unidentified remains,” Palestinian civil defence spokesperson Mahmoud Bassal told a televised press conference.

Tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians have sought shelter in Gaza’s schools, most of which have been closed since Israel’s war against Hamas began.

Around 350 families had been sheltering at the compound, Bassal said – some of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians displaced by Israel’s onslaught on Gaza.

The upper floor housing families and the lower floor, used as a mosque, were both hit, he said.

The Israeli military said the death toll was inflated….

And what good is the UN and its High Commissioner for Human Rights? The best they can do is say that a top Israeli official’s admission that it would be a good idea to starve the Gazans to death is shocking and might promote war crimes. HELLO? We are constantly watching war crimes piled on war crimes and the world’s chief human rights officer brushes them off? The existence of these hypocrites provides everyone else cover, saving our governments from having to respond.

The new UK Labor government goes after the winter fuel allowance and zeroes in on pensioners.

And here you can see a compilation of the UK’s new PM Keir Starmer sucking up to his mates at Davos:

And in Canada, over 4% of all deaths are now due to doctors officially killing people. By far the highest percentage of euthanasia deaths in the world. From Le Monde:

This is from the NYT. Fortunately there has been a reprieve for the suicidal. It was pointed out that suicidal patients could simply request to be put to death rather than get treated if “mental illness”—a broad category—became a justification for physician-assisted death.

The law was expanded in 2021 after the Superior Court of Quebec struck down the government’s original assisted death law on constitutional grounds because it only applied to people whose deaths were “reasonably foreseeable.”

The 2021 law expanded eligibility to people experiencing “grievous and irremediable” conditions. [No need for a terminal illness.—Nass]. Its separate provisions for people with mental illnesses, which were added to the law by Canada’s unelected Senate, were originally postponed for two years.

Members of the opposition Conservative Party have charged that the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is promoting a “culture of death.” Some politicians on the left have also opposed the expansion for mental illnesses and have said they want to focus on further expanding psychiatric care.

Is there a large or small thing you can do? Tell us. Let’s compare notes.

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