3 smears by someone whose work I liked in one week.

So I will set the record straight, again, because you can't let lying dogs lie.

This blogger Scott Creighton has now smeared me for something I NEVER said:

Meryl Nass steadily promotes the globalist smear campaign against China by trying to blame them for what WE DID.

Twice in one week, Scott? Et tu Brute? Sometimes I think the ‘agents’ are just trying to piss me off so I will make a mistake. Let me assure those agents I am aware of their play. Instead of getting angry I get even.

I have always said that the 2 COVID origin issues are :

  1. whether it was a lab leak or a deliberate release. I favor deliberate but I’m not certain.

  2. Next question would be who did it, if deliberate.

I have pointed out that the humanized mice that probably were used to design SARS-CoV-2 came from Baric’s lab originally, but were shared with the Chinese. The “no-see-um” technology came originally from Baric. Other US coronavirus researchers who may have created part or all of the genome of SARS-CoV-2 include Stanley Perlman at Ames (U Iowa), Vince Munster at NIH’s Rocky Mountain lab or Vineet Menachery in Galveston, Texas. I could be missing some. There are others scattered around the US and the rest of the world.

There were so many interesting areas of the genome (by that I mean created/selected for inclusion by humans) I think it was stitched together from parts that probably were developed in multiple labs. Who put the finishing touches on it? I don’t know.

If it leaked, it likely leaked from a Wuhan lab. If it was a deliberate spread, it could have come from the Americans or anywhere, originally, and may have been spread only in Wuhan or in multiple locations.

The issue is always Cui Bono. Who benefited if this was a crime, as I suspect it was? $4 trillion moved from the US poor and middle classes to the billionaire class. Potentially quadrillions are up for grabs if you impoverish the world, tokenize nature, find ways to grab our property, etc., and the super elite take over the planet’s assets.

Moving on, Scott then smeared me a second time today by association: for giving an interview on the anthrax letters (though I am in good company here with Whitney Webb etc.) to the “wrong” 9/11 group. And I don’t think it has even aired yet. Sorry Scott, but I can’t keep up with which groups are right and wrong according to your criteria.

AE49/11 Truth is hosting some kind of 9/11 anniversary thing with the likes of Jimmy Dore, Jill Stein, Whitney Webb, Meryl Nass and Alex Stein of all people.

Guess no one is pure enough for Scott Creighton. Oh well.

Or maybe he just wants me to link to him? Maybe he just wants my wide readership?

It is an interesting question: why would someone criticize you for something you didn’t do, or for the (pretty damn good) company you keep? And nitpick my use of the term “novel”? Who is this person?

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