How do you take a totally bankrupt concept (One Health) and turn it into an earth-shattering idea?

Money. Lots of $. Careerism. Magnanimous perks to employees, including vesting in generous pensions, but only if you stay long enough...

This is a very important post.

Of course the bandits (you know what word really comes to mind and it isn’t bandit) don’t back down. They have a One Health plan. A winning plan. They have gamed it for years. They have put so much into it. It is not going away. It will be forced down our throats because it is such an amorphous idea. It can be used so many different ways and support so many narratives, sounding so kind, so caring, with DEI and ESG and saving the planet all rolled into one to justify whatever they want to do to us.

The WHO made the mistake of telling us how the One Health sausage is made. In their very own publication, the Weekly Epidemiologic Review, in a special edition that probably no one outside the cult would know existed. Last December.

But here it is. I have given you a pdf of the entire issue below. Here is just a little tasteof what they tell us. OH stands for One Health:

A WHO OH Internal Coordination (WIC) mechanism was established to support a strategic, coordinated, aligned OH position. The WIC is led by a steering committee (WIC-SC) that provides the strategic lead for WHO’s OH approach, defines the objectives of OHI and allocates resources for its functions. A technical team (WIC-TT) was established to ensure technical engagement of colleagues working on OH activities at all levels of WHO and to provide technical input to the WIC-SC to inform WHO strategies for OH. OHI enables exchange among WHO technical teams working on OH and ensures that requests are communicated to the WIC-SC… (page 625)

Wer One Health
3.64MB ∙ PDF file



Below is just one page of about 30, which is published in both French and English.

The whole project is probably managed by some twenty-somethings at a very posh consulting company, making sure the thousands of moving parts are all meshing together as needed, and the twenty-somethings are certain THEY are saving the planet.

Now you know why all the top meetings of the top leaders of the planet (the G20, G7, UN, WHO, Climate Change conference, etc.) all supported One Health. Because they were the deliverables in some twenty-something’s plan. Because the top leaders of the world do as they are told.

Here are just two small examples of how this “One Health” nonsense gets squeezed into every empty governmental space:


The health of people, animals, and the environment is intertwined. A health hazard for people may likely be a health hazard for animals. For example, smoking is not only harmful to people; it’s harmful to pets too. Medical advances in understanding and treating a disease in one species, such as heart disease in people, may be applied to other species. And a change in the environment can affect all living things, from people to animals to plants.

The One Health Initiative recognizes this inter-connectedness and advocates a comprehensive approach to health and environmental problems versus a piecemeal approach. By building bridges between physicians, veterinarians, environmental scientists, and public health professionals, the initiative aims to “promote, improve, and defend the health and well-being of all species.”1


The state of Pennsylvania

One Health

One Health is a transdisciplinary concept to improve the well-being of humans, animals, plants and the environment. It recognizes how the health of each individual element contributes to the health of the whole and shows how obvious impacts in one area – for example, outbreaks of wildlife diseases – are often linked to environmental stress, as well as diseases that concurrently affect the health and wellbeing of other species. For instance, read how the disappearance of ducks in northern Nigeria helped human health officials investigate unexplained illness among children in nearby villages.

It is no surprise, then, that One Health advocates believe our environmental, animal and human health organizations and professions must collaborate effectively and take actions to promote healthy humans and healthy animals supported by a healthy and sustainable environment. The Pennsylvania One Health Task Force supports this line of thinking by assembling a group of federal, state and academic stakeholders to work together, with one vision.

Members Include:

Deer and other wildlife may carry diseases that can spread to humans. The general public should avoid contact with wildlife and not attempt to approach any wild species. Additionally, it is unlawful to intentionally feed deer within CWD Disease Management Areas in Pennsylvania…

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