Some background on the twisted origins of the climate change narrative.
Because "climate change" is the central dogma supporting global government, this will become important as we disentangle the narrative over the next few weeks
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992, stemming from from the Rio “Earth Summit” in 1992 seems to be the only climate change treaty the US Senate agreed to. While it signed and ratified this convention, it has not ratified the Paris or Kyoto subsequent climate agreements, though President Biden returned the US to the Paris Accord after President Trump removed the US from the Paris Accord. The Paris Accord is where the specific temperature goals and strictures can be found.
Maurice Strong, an oilman friend of David Rockefeller’s, played THE central role in defining and effecting global climate change efforts from about 1970 until 2010, was the Secretary-General of both Stockholm environmental summit in 1972 and the Rio Earth Summit of 1992. I believe he helped found the IPCC and helped create its interesting program of work, assuring that the group would come up with the “right” answers.
James Corbett has 2 excellent programs (here and here) about Mr. Strong, an extraordinary Canadian wheeler-dealer who finally was nailed for corruption over the Iraq ‘oil for food’ program and then relocated to live in China. James and I also talked about Strong in my CHD-TV show here. Strong almost singlehandedly created and fostered the world’s climate change story and response. He was also into de-industrialization, and even played around with creating a new religion. He had limitless ambitions.
Here is a 2015 eulogy for Mr. Strong from the Executive Director of the UN Environmental Program. Strong founded this UN agency and was its first chief.
“Today the world mourns one of its greats. Maurice Strong was a visionary and a pioneer of global sustainable development.
“His courageous leadership allowed the Stockholm Conference of 1972 to make history by launching a new era of international environmental diplomacy which saw the birth of UNEP, the first UN agency to be headquartered in a developing country. Not a believer in summits as an end in themselves, he accepted the appointment to become UNEP’s first Executive Director and moved to Kenya to establish UNEP’s iconic global headquarters on what was then a coffee farm on the outskirts of Nairobi.
“Strong will forever be remembered for placing the environment on the international agenda and at the heart of development. He shepherded global environmental governance processes — from the original Rio Earth Summit, Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration to the launch of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity.
“As the Paris Climate Conference commences, we hope his words echo strong. I reiterate his message to the 2014 UN General Assembly calling on world leaders to ‘rise to their historic responsibility as custodians of the planet, to take decisions that will unite rich and poor, North, South, East and West, in a new global partnership to ensure our common future’.
“The sustainability road-map which started in Stockholm, continued in Rio, Johannesburg and Rio+20, must now become a reality in Paris. This would indeed be the most fitting tribute to the legacy of Maurice Strong; leader, mentor and friend.
“Mr. Strong served the United Nations as well as the international community in many capacities – among them as Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm (1972) and the Rio Sustainable Development Summit (1992). Today we join his family, friends and countless communities across the world in celebrating his life and legacy – with respect, admiration and gratitude”.