My 3 minute talk at the Sovereignty Coalition Summit on the UN’s Pact for the Future today

I keep trying to boil it down into smaller and more digestible pieces

Perhaps unsurprisingly, The UN’s Pact for the Future has many similarities to the WHO’s initially proposed IHR amendments and pandemic treaty.

Both the Pact and the WHO’s draft treaties would give the head of each agency the sole authority to determine global emergencies, declare them, gain unlimited powers to manage them and to decide when the emergency is over. Neither organization issued any standards or guidelines for making declarations, or limiting the powers that would accrue to the heads of the organization whenever an emergency declaration was made.

In other words, both the WHO and UN proposals would place unlimited, dictatorial powers in the hands of each agency head.

Both the UN and WHO proposals call for censorship of misinformation alongside freedom of speech–despite knowing that these two are mutually exclusive.

All these documents are deceptive.  The proposed pandemic treaty stated there would be no surrender of national sovereignty, while in later paragraphs demanded such surrender.  The UN Pact for the Future calls for the mobility of talent while simultaneously demanding no brain drain.

Each agency called for using technology and scientific advancements to help developing nations, yet paradoxically called for enforcing intellectual property rights.

The UN echoes the demands of the WHO for nations to comply with the ongoing pandemic preparedness agenda, despite its expansion of surveillance and impingement on privacy rights.  Each agency demands efforts to restore trust in science.

Diplomats and national leaders are being asked to agree to unspecified transformations of global governance and the imposition of an entirely new global financial architecture. 

Compliance is to be obtained by using “mandated intergovernmental processes, where they exist,” by “strengthening implementation of environmental agreements” and by engaging national lawmakers to embed UN policies in their domestic legislation.

While the Sustainable Development Goals are a recent invention, the UN tries to make us believe they are an original pillar of the UN.  They are not.  The Pact goes on to assert that the Sustainable Development Goals are the central objective of multilateralism and the center of the reform of the international financial architecture.

The citizens of the Earth did not vote for the Sustainable Development Goals, nor did they vote for the UN Secretary-General or the WHO Director-General to be granted dictatorial powers over the planet, nor for a new financial architecture. 

The Pact for the Future, this Summit and these two agencies seek to impose illegitimate authorities on the people of this planet.  As 26 US Governors said recently about the WHO, we will not comply.  Not with any of it.  Not now, not ever.

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