The usual suspects are at it again,claiming COVID came from the animal market
The other side is playing for keeps
They get paid well to keep coming up with nonsense. We get shafted for trying to tell the truth. Look at the authors.
Four of these authors coauthored the “Proximal Origins” paper. Marion Koopmans was on the Fauci call on Feb 1 and was an investigator of COVID origins for the UN (with Peter Daszak) on its ill-fated China expedition. You know, the expedition that concluded frozen food was the origin. And their excuse was that China told us so.
Angela Rasmussen and her husband Saskia Popescu are Fauci cheerleaders for whatever narrative needs support. Alexander C-C only had 3 paper to his name on google, and 2 were about the origin of COVID. Michael Worobey has been flogging this dead horse for quite some time; he is tightly affiliated with the Proximal Origins coauthors.
Jeremy Hammond already wrote a takedown of the raccoon dog fantasy last year. (I did too.). Here is his:
Luckily, others are calling foul, so I don’t have to get into the weeds. The bad guys never stop, as long as they are being paid. Time to stop them.