Vaxxed III. Was the medical system authorized to kill patients?

I have not seen it yet--I will tomorrow--but something fishy was going on. What was it?;jsessionid=00000000.app30024b

Tomorrow evening “Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill” will premiere online for the first time for FREE!

If you missed the sold-out premiere in theaters last month, here is your chance to see the film that is already being banned across the country and making headlines.

Please join Children’s Health Defense Films and Vaxxed Films for our free online premiere. To view the film, please sign up with your email address in advance.

“Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill” Online Premiere
Friday, October 4, 2024
7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT)

Sign Up to Watch

Once you sign up, you will receive a follow-up email on Friday with a direct link to watch the virtual event on Friday. 

If you aren’t able to tune in tomorrow night, you can still sign up at the link above to get email notifications on how to watch “Vaxxed III” after the online premiere!

In solidarity for transparency and health freedom,

The Children’s Health Defense Team

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