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Next "investment round" i.e. call for donations starts next Monday, October 14 at the World Health Summit. A "pivotal moment," "signature event," and begging bowl wrapped into one
To address important challenges faced in global health, WHO launched its first Investment Round: a new approach to mobilizing predictable and flexible resources for WHO’s core work for the next 4 years (2025–2028). Working with existing donors and other partners, the Investment Round also aims to attract new donors through an inclusive engagement process that will culminate at the G20 leaders’ summit chaired by Brazilian President Lula da Silva.
The Investment Round is supported by a growing group of co-hosts: France, Germany, Norway, Brazil, Mauritania (for the African Union), South Africa, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Co-hosts are key to raise awareness about the importance of fully funding the work of the WHO, as well as providing support and commitment to our common global health agenda.
The Investment Round aims to appropriately resource WHO’s core work for 2025–2028 while increasing the overall efficiency of receiving and disbursing of funds across the Organization.
The world faces severe inequities and inequalities in health, which were amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. More than half the world’s population is not fully covered by one or more essential health services, and 2 billion people face financial hardship due to out-of-pocket health spending.
“At the centre of the world’s health architecture is the World Health Organization, which holds the mandate as the global coordinating authority for health.”
[Whether you like it or not, we WHO communicators have paraphrased part of the WHO Constitution to make clear to you that WE are in charge of health—Nass]
With 194 Member States, WHO brings a unique legitimacy, global footprint, and expertise, to empower countries and partners to improve health and well-being for all.
Now I will give you just a tiny feel for the WHO’s plans for the next 4 years, culled from page 26 of this 65 page, pie-in-the-sky plan:
“The full implementation of national action plans to underpin the fight against antimicrobial resistance will be prioritized. Strengthening public-sector capacity to ensure quality essential services, especially for people in vulnerable and marginalized situations, will be emphasized. New technologies will be pursued to reduce morbidity and, where possible, advance and sustain elimination and eradication targets across multiple disease programmes such as polio, measles and neglected tropical diseases. Mental health, brain health and substance use services will be integrated into primary health care in order to expand access to both psychosocial and pharmacological interventions substantively, complemented by ongoing efforts to reduce stigma, prevent suicide and protect human rights, with comprehensive mental health and social care services available in community-based settings.”
and from page 27:
“In the area of immunization, emphasis will be on fully implementing the Immunization Agenda 2030, especially by reaching missed and zero-dose children with essential routine services, including through the post-COVID-19 pandemic “Big Catch Up” (through 2025); scaling up important vaccines such as the human papillomavirus vaccine; rolling out priority new vaccines, such as those against malaria and, potentially, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis and dengue, as guided by robust evidence; prioritizing and optimizing vaccine portfolios, by age group and product, to the country context; and intensifying preventive vaccination campaigns to advance poliomyelitis eradication and reduce the risk of deadly vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles.”
and from page 30 we see WHO plans to move forward with an unapproved biosecurity agenda:
“Emergency response coordination will be rapidly activated and managed through emergency operation centres, with standard operating procedures, technical guidance and planning, while ensuring that interventions are culturally appropriate and adapted to the national context. International coordination and collaboration will be facilitated through incident management systems that can connect emergency operational centres across country, regional and global levels, supported by comprehensive guidelines and strategic coordination.
Multisectoral rapid-response teams (not approved but desired by WHO and included in the 2023 US NDAA—Nass) will be further expanded for the rapid deployment of critical expertise in epidemiology, clinical care, logistics and other relevant skill sets in order to contain threats and reduce the impact of outbreaks and other health emergencies. Support will be provided for the equitable allocation of medical countermeasures. Contingency financing will be immediately allocated to facilitate rapid and equitable emergency response operations. A unified partnership approach in support of Member States will be further strengthened to ensure the most effective management of health emergencies and rapid provision of technical and operational support where needed”
Notice how they never tell us what these teams will actually donor, nor what the rapid response will consist of. Never.
Enough for now.