How many people are still dying from COVID in the US? Good luck finding out.
Ignore National Propaganda Radio, the JAMA and the CDC
National Propaganda Radio (NPR) quotes CDC’s National Center for Vital Statistics to frighten us that COVID is currently the 10th leading cause of death in the United States.
“According to a new CDC report, COVID’s no longer the third-leading cause of death, but the disease still ranks as the 10th top cause of death. COVID is projected to kill close to 50,000 people every year, according to the new report.”
Let’s try to confirm that.
Here’s the CDC article and its data:
And the senior author is Robert Anderson, PhD, with whom my group corresponded early in the pandemic to try and reanalyze CDC findings we found surprising. He was very pleasant, answered all our emails, but very sweetly was never able to send us to the data set he used nor tell us the methodology he used to draw his (spurious) conclusions.
So, how is CDC determining what is a COVID death these days?
I recall that early in the pandemic motorcycle accidents and shotgun deaths were classified as COVID deaths if the deceased had had a positive COVID test within the past 30 days.
Furthermore, there was a very convoluted case definition that most clinicians would not know about, requiring one to read several pages and include multiple factors to determine what was a definite, probable or suspected case.
Finally, CDC hand counted all COVID cases at the central office: so a non-COVID death on a state death certificate could be turned into a COVID death at the CDC.
So my question was, what are they doing now? And I could not find out. I could not find a current CDC case definition for what constituted a COVID death.
But I did find this little mea culpa instead, which has been archived and will no doubt soon disappear. CDC clearly tells us not to expect their COVID death counts to match any other sources, because, well, they just don’t.
So when someone tells you that 1,000 Americans are dying from COVID each week, I suggest you ask them to show you the real data. Like the death certificates. Preferably before the numbers have been processed by CDC’s magic numbers machine.