40 minutes on the WHO, UN, the development of the environmental movement and its hijacking by globalists, food, and where we got politically and what needs to happen this year
My talk at the Alaskans for Personal Freedom Conference yesterday
I’ve spoken at the Alaska medical freedom conferences 4 years in a row. I’ve come to Anchorage 3 times, and 2 years ago I had another engagement this weekend so I just spoke by zoom. Alaskans are the most hospitable, kindly people imaginable.
I was a last-minute choice the first year. And I had no real experience with public speaking. I was a researcher and writer, not a talker. But I had a lot of info, so I said yes, and this was the start of a lot of [completely unexpected] public speaking.
Last year they took me on a dogsled ride. Today they are giving us a plane ride to go see a glacier and other sights. But I decided not to ride on small planes until world war 3 is won. So for once I have sufficient time to listen to a few videos and read my emails.
James Lindsay gave a phenomenal talk. Ryan Cole gave an excellent talk on cancer. Brian Hooker talked about the data on how much healthier unvaccinated kids are compared to the vaccinated. There were big issues with the audio video setup, so the organizers expect it may take 2 weeks before videos of the talks become available. But here are the pdfs of my talk. Let me know if you want screen shots too.