Status of the Pandemic Agreement: press conference tomorrow Nov 11 at 6 pm CET (noon EST)
The 12th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) drafting a pandemic agreement started in Geneva on 4 November and will end on 15 November 2024.
The globalists thought they could pull a rabbit out of a hat, before Trump won the Presidential election.
Why were they in a mad dash to complete the Pandemic Agreement before the end of the year, and convene the World Health Assembly to vote on it before Christmas?
Here’s why:
They were hoping to give out enough money to the low and middle income countries (and promises of $, with the Biodiversity COP meeting and the Climate COP meeting’s begging bowls out this month asking for a transfer of about $1.5 Trillion this year) to get a 2/3 vote in favor of the pandemic treaty aka agreement.
Then they wanted to get as many signatures as possible immediately (Biden, they were looking at you and 39 others) before December 20, a month before Inauguration Day.
If they could pull this off, the US could have been bound by the treaty for 3 years before being “allowed” to exit it.
However, Trump has promised NO on the Pandemic Treaty and US membership in the entire WHO. Assuming he makes good on this, the globalist’s mad dash to create this treaty will come to a screeching halt.
At tomorrow’s press conference, we will learn where things now stand.
Saturday, 09 November 2024
Virtual press conference on the 12th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body for a WHO pandemic agreement
When: Monday, 11 November 2024 at 18.00 CET
Subject: Update on the 12th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a WHO pandemic agreement
The Co-Chairs of the Bureau supporting the WHO Member State-led negotiations for a WHO instrument to strengthen international pandemic prevention, preparedness and response will update the journalists on progress made during the latest round of negotiations and the next steps in the process.
Precious Matsoso, INB Bureau Co-Chair of South Africa
Ambassador Anne-Claire Amprou, INB Bureau Co-Chair of France
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