I’d like to provide additional information and commentary on the Pandemic Treaty
And after investigating so many UN meetings happening over the past few months, I throw in my two cents about them, too
After failing to negotiate a pandemic treaty before and during its annual meeting in May 2024, the WHO bureaucracy did everything it could to finally birth the pandemic treaty during the succeeding 6 months. Per an agreement made at the World Health Assembly (WHA) on June 1, 2024 the WHO bureaucracy was given one year maximum to get this done. No more extensions.
The two white male co-chairs of the pandemic treaty’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) were sent home and were replaced by a female Swiss ambassador and a dour female South African doctor, Precious Matsoso, who had co-chaired the IHR amendments group. I’m not certain, but I think at least one other negotiator also got replaced.
The WHO scheduled many in-person meetings and remote contacts for the INB. They chose a very tight timeline for completion of the pandemic treaty draft: by November 12. This was the very last day that would allow a special Geneva WHA meeting to be held with the full WHO membership in December, to push the treaty through.
The WHO brought in outside “stakeholders” to the current negotiations for 5 days in a row through November 11–we don’t know who they were, what they discussed, nor what new incentives may have been offered to the diplomats. Were Bill Gates’ brightest bulbs there to try and tilt the negotiations?
None of it worked. The negotiators reached no agreement on the treaty by the end of business on November 11.
The same issues that have been sticklers all along remain:
· Surveillance, Prevention and One Health
· How intellectual property rights will be handled in a medical emergency: what breaks will the ‘low and middle income countries’ (LMIC) get on the cost of patented drugs and vaccines? This has never been spelled out.
· The biowarfare library, also known as the Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing System, remains unresolved. What will the benefits amount to if LMICs do turn over their deadly pathogens to the WHO for safekeeping? How much money, reduced price drugs, or other benefits will they receive?
Nations are furthermore not interested in signing up to a regime where they will be monitored and told what they must do, with unknown future obligations and incalculable present and future costs.
The WHO’s INB co-chairs gave a short press conference at 6 pm on November 11 to alert the 194 member nations that they would not be called back to Geneva next month. The speakers tried to put a happy face on things. They know it is unlikely that an agreement will be reached, even by June 1, 2025. Or, perhaps to save face, after so much effort and money has been spent on these meetings, a meaningless treaty will be agreed to.
When the two co-chairs and WHO’s principal attorney Steven Solomon (formerly a US State Department lawyer) were asked at the press conference yesterday whether President Trump’s victory had affected the negotiations, their bright smiles disappeared. Apparently, watching their body language, they felt it had made things much harder. But they would not provide an answer.
They had tried very hard to get the pandemic treaty finished by yesterday and passed by mid-December, so it could go into force as early as mid-January, while the Biden administration remained in power. It was written to lock nations in for at least 3 years after they ratified it… clearly a globalist’s wet dream.
Of course, no one in the press conference would breathe a word about why they had been in such manic haste. But of course, they knew. Their race was lost. They failed to deliver. They missed the golden ring.
If a pandemic treaty does eventuate, it will be Trump’s call whether to join, or not. And he already staked out his position last year: no WHO, no pandemic treaty. No global governance.
Meanwhile, the WHO continues with the rest of its globalist agenda, and this week during the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP29 it is working to spread the false idea that climate change is inseparable from health.
Yet another fund has been created, ready to seek contributions, or as the UN often puts it, “investments” in the future.
These never-ending UN meetings, abstruse and misleading treaties, hungry new funds and apocalyptic threats are never going to end, unless we put an end to them.