Why are people beating up Trump and his team, and RFK, Jr. with every weapon they can find?
The psychological struggle people are facing, and Marty Makary on what RFK wants to do
Thankfully, neither Mr. Trump nor Mr. Kennedy is an old style political animal. RFK does not check to see which way the wind is blowing. He does not monitor his every word so he never offends anyone. He says what he thinks. Americans are not used to that. Well, they better get used to it. And then they will realize what they have been missing!
All those who are criticizing his anti-science bent got everything wrong during the pandemic. And now they are in crisis, because they cannot emotionally accept that they were played, they championed a cynical narrative that led to millions of deaths and injuries, and if the truth comes out, their reputation and reliability will be shattered. Not only that, their world will collapse. Their self-image, their stories, their belief systems are about to implode, and they instinctively know this: but it feels like a death experience for them. What they don’t know is that when they finally come out the other side they will go through a rebirth and reassessment. Life will be so much better when they live in truth, and they are not constricted into seeing life through a pinhole.
But for now, their psyches cannot handle it. They have no idea they have been living in a Truman Show, and that their self-satisfied reality has been oh-so-carefully constructed to entrap them, too! And lead them to the endgame of “own nothing and be (un)happy.” They simply have no clue, because they have been trained, through sophisticated mind control, not to let any challenging information in.
So right now, for self-preservation, the only thing they can do is beat their breasts and insist that they and their ilk have a direct line to Science and that any other opinions must be destroyed, never to see the light of day. Well, sorry honey, those days are about to be over. Once the censorship-propaganda hold on all mainstream media ends, and the truth starts coming out as if a dam broke, people will find ways to adapt. We have lots of defense mechanisms that will let people cope, once they have let go of the old reality.
Jim Jordan is asking for records of censorship from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a UK-US deep state intelligence operation, sheep dipped to look like a charity. Paid for with public funds, at least in part. Founded by the man who is now empty suit Keir Starmer’s top aide. (Doesn’t Keir remind you of Biden?)
A few days ago I heard one of CCDH’s ads on the local radio station. It sounded so innocent. It was about teenage girls who learn to hate their body image because of online posts. And we have to save them from self-hate and self harm. So please tell Congress you need that censorship bill passed, right now! It took me a couple of minutes of reflection to decode who had paid for the ad and what it was about. They were trying to bullet-proof censorship, spending money on local radio stations in tiny towns. Our population is 8,000.
I found the remarks below on twitter so now I don’t need to reinvent them.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary joins ‘Fox News Sunday’ to break down Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s plan to uproot the U.S.’ health policies.
“I think if we listen to what he’s talking about, he’s very clear about what he wants to do.
Number one, he wants to address corruption in health care and corruption in our government health agencies. A lot of people don’t like that message and they’re threatened by it.”
“Number two, he wants to get back to evidence-based research and he wants to fund research that’s gonna answer the big questions of our day.
And number three, he wants to address the child chronic disease epidemic. A lot of people are concerned. Food supply is poisoned and kids are growing up in a toxic milieu and we’re drugging kids at scale as the American Academy of Pediatrics is pushing those Ozempics on six-year-olds.”
“He is talking about health and chronic diseases. It shouldn’t be a political message. And I think you’re seeing a lot of people unite around that message. Parents, it was effective on the campaign. And I think they’re delivering on that now. I would say people should not dissect what he said 30 years ago and listen to what he’s saying now.” “He’s saying very clearly he’s not anti-vax. He’s not gonna remove or take away anyone’s vaccines.
And what is scary and dangerous to health is not R.F.K. Jr. It’s what people just witnessed. It’s the food pyramid lie that’s been out there for 60 years. It’s the medical establishment that lied to us about opioids for 20 years saying it was not addictive. It was the vaccine mandates, ignoring natural immunity, cloth masks on toddlers.” “That’s what’s driving a lot of the distrust of the medical establishment. It’s not RFK Jr.
If you look at the path that we are on as a country, it’s not a good path. We’re watching so many of these crises go up. Early onset Alzheimer’s has tripled. cancer in young people under age 50 has gone up by 79 percent. We’re looking at half of our nation’s children are sick.” “We’re looking at 40 percent of our nation’s children now with a mental health diagnosis. One in five kids is on a medication.
So what he is really focused on is this concept that we can’t keep drugging our nation’s children going down this path. That’s what’s dangerous. I think he wants to bring in a lot of scientists from highly respected institutions and let them do good work.” “He is really the quintessential environmental health attorney of our era, and that may be the quintessential issue of our era if we look at our status in terms of health. The central issue in healthcare is the health of the population. It’s not health insurance and how we finance the broken healthcare system.” “It’s how we fix it.
And so for the first time ever, we’re now seeing a focus on addressing the health of our nation’s children and the chronic disease epidemic. And that’s exciting a lot of people.”