HUGE: Keir Starmer admits that open borders was a policy of the UK government and over 900,000 people came in last year, in a country of 68 million
He is taking a desperate risk to make this admission. Do not miss this short video
Let me explain. Starmer is probably the most hated PM Britain has ever seen. He has gone back on multiple promises. He claimed to support small farmers, but has instituted an inheritance tax that will cause many farm families to have to sell when a member dies. He has brought in other policies that will cause considerable impoverishment. He even made the faux pas that he prefers Davos to Westminster.
As a result of his stupidity, his tin ear and his lies as well as his policies, a petition to hold another election took off this week.
And so he desperately sought a way to blame the Tories (he is Labor) for some awful policy that would frighten people into NOT voting out Labor.
What his handlers came up with is to blame the Tories for unimpeded migration. Everyone is upset about the open borders. Crime is rampant and there has been loads of publicity about an immigrant killing three little girls at a dance class recently, while Starmer failed to attend the funerals.
This is a great ploy to keep Starmer in office so he can carry out the rest of his miserable globalist agenda.
But it is an extraordinary admission. Open borders was not a one country experiment, as he claims—multiple countries opened their borders. Some denied doing so, like the US. But videos tell the story. And now the leaders of those countries need to explain to their citizens what the heck they were doing.
I just tweeted about this, below. Please read it as well.
Everyone needs to watch Starmer give his little speech. You won’t often hear such an admission as this. He then claims they need to study the problem. Hello? You don’t need to study it. Just close the borders and handle immigration the way it was always done— before the pandemic and its lockdowns became the cover for the government to do all manner of sneaky things while the public couldn’t see them.
The website below is fixed and now the video starts when Starmer appears.