OMG, 11 million acres “conserved” in 2024 under Biden, using Inflation Reduction Act funds.
"The largest investment in climate action in history" says the USDA
11 million acres is 17,000 square miles and is roughly the size of 2 Floridas or 11 Rhode Islands
Despite the additional Inflation Reduction Act funding, NRCS still did not fund nearly 64% of the applications received for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship (CSP) and Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) applications.
In fiscal year 2024, NRCS made over $3 billion available from the Inflation Reduction Act for climate-smart agriculture and forestry (CSAF) mitigation activities, in addition to the $2 billion available from the Farm Bill for all conservation activities. The agency obligated 97.6% of all available fiscal year 2024 Inflation Reduction Act conservation program financial assistance funds, or more than $1.6 billion, to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners across America. Learn more by using the Inflation Reduction Act Data Visualization Tool. Further details on program enrollment in fiscal year 2024 are also available in a fact sheet and in NRCS Financial Assistance Program Data.
For fiscal year 2025, the third year of implementation, NRCS is making up to $7.7 billion available for conservation and climate-smart practices through Farm Bill and Inflation Reduction Act funding.
A total of $19.5 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act is available over several years for climate-smart agriculture and forestry mitigation activities, including through NRCS conservation programs: EQIP, ACEP, RCPP and CSP. These programs also help advance the President’s Justice40 Initiative, which aims to ensure 40% of the overall benefits of certain climate, clean energy and other federal investments reach underserved communities.
This is probably an initial step toward the Rewilding Program discussed in the 1995 UN Report I posted about yesterday.
Margaret Byfield explains further:
The Rewilding campaign has its roots in the radical green agenda known as the “Wildlands Project” uncovered in the 1990’s. This plan would move humans into limited, self-sustained population areas, leaving the majority of America’s lands off limits from human use. It would have succeeded had it not been for some of our compatriots in the property rights movement exposing the agenda and convincing members of the Senate to oppose the 1992 U.N. Biodiversity Treaty that contained the plan. Biden’s 30×30 agenda has once again revived this radical agenda.
The Rewild report justifies the plan as follows:
“After taking office, President Biden signed an executive order announcing his America the Beautiful plan to conserve 30% of US land and water by 2030. He challenged Americans to collaboratively “conserve, connect, and restore the lands, waters, and wildlife upon which we all depend” at a national scale (US Departments 2021, p. 9). Here, we take a major step in advancing President Biden’s plan by envisioning a bold and science-based rewilding of publicly owned federal lands (hereafter, federal lands) in the American West. Beyond concerns for human survival and flourishing, a principled commitment to the natural world and a sense of moral urgency underpins the motivation for our proposal.”
The Inflation Act funds many key components of the green new deal, including conservation programs dedicated to mitigating climate change and curtailing livestock emissions, as well as a new climate conservation corps, which can employ thousands of eager woke-approved activists to help usher in the rewilding agenda.
How will they get this done? They will do this piece-by-piece, at the local, state, and regional levels. Wherever the federal land management agencies are revising, amending or approving plans and projects, expect to see an increased effort to push cattle and people off the land to be replaced by the wolf, beaver, and sage grouse.
And, if they fail before the President’s term expires, be watching for the designation of a new National Monument that will make the million-acre Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument in Utah look miniscule. Or, possibly we will see several smaller national monuments that conveniently connect and align with the Rewild and Sagebrush Sea proposed reserves.
What is the first step for Americans to protect their community from this land grab? Pass the local government resolution opposing 30×30 for all counties within the target zone of the 11 proposed Rewild Reserves and the Sagebrush Sea. Get your community educated and be on alert for efforts, even small ones, to remove humans from the lands.
You can download the model resolution here. To see what other Counties have passed, click here.
(If your county has passed the resolution and you do not see it listed on our map, please email