Remember when I asked if FDA was trying to pull a fraud on the court? Well, FDA got its hand slapped.

FDA was trying to withhold a million pages from its Pfizer document cache from the public and tried to get a court to allow its dodge.

FDA produced 1.2 million pages, after it lost a lawsuit in which it attempted to withhold the Pfizer COVID vaccine file for 75 years. A unique request. Did the FDA equate its document file to the CIA’s Kennedy assassination file, which were also withheld for 75 years? Till everyone involved was dead? The FDA was acting as if the documents would reveal a murderous conspiracy or something.

When drugs or vaccines are licensed, all the records considered by FDA in the license application are supposed to be available to the public, by law. When FDA refused to comply with this standard, about 2.5 years ago attorney Aaron Siri sued the FDA and got a timetable for record release over about a year-18 months.

Slowly but surely a massive bounty of documents were drizzled out, and Naomi Wolfe, Amy Kelly and their volunteer team reviewed and reported on them. They even wrote a book about it, with lots of useful graphics.

Recently, after FDA issued 1.2 million pages of documents, including many duplicate pages, it told the court it was done and asked the court for release from this obligation. That was when I asked whether the FDA was trying to pull a fast one. Why would it need an official release from further production… unless there was further production that it was withholding?

Aaron Siri did not let them get away with this trick. It turned out FDA was hanging on to another million pages: the entire EUA file. The juiciest materials had not been released. The EUA file contained FDA’s evaluation (and probably all other materials) of the Pfizer clinical trial, which we now know bent a lot of rules.

Back to court, with both sides asking for summary judgement.

Aaron won. The documents must be released. But the court has given FDA 6 months. Let’s pray Naomi’s team is ready to dive back in and analyze another million pages.

Here is the 9 page ruling. Judge Mark T. Pittman is a 2019 Trump appointee to the North Texas District Court.

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