The NY Times still has a following, but for how long? Soon people will realize it has become the star of yellow (gotcha!) journalism, most useful for washing windows

Aaron Siri, whose efforts the article is really about, responds

Today the NY Times ran a hit piece about how Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s close associate Aaron Siri (perhaps the best lawyer I know, a brilliant and hard-working man) is trying to take away polio vaccines—because RFK said he was not going to take away anyone’s vaccines, and they want to imply he lied, and the NYT wants to get everyone angry over this.

Of course that is not what RFK nor Siri is trying to do. But this article really upset one of my doctor friends, who has been emailing me about it. The point of the article was to tar RFK as a witch doctor through his associate Siri. And to do so the story needed to be twisted.

Here is the TIMES article, painful to read as it is chock full of innuendo and half truths and spin. and a graphic from it:

Here is Aaron Siri’s response:

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