I was really impressed with this talk by James Lindsay on the US culture war
We were both speakers in Alaska in late October, the audio wasn't working well, and then he stood up and gave this speech, without notes
How to define the people in society who do not comply as the enemy. And when things go wrong you set things up to blame those people, the “enemy.” Things won’t go well for the nation until everyone follows the program. In the US that was getting vaccinated.
The “anti-vaxxer” was designated as the “enemy of the people.”
This is the model used in Communist China and COVID America followed it in lockstep.
The anti-racism agenda was not satisfied with you not being racist. No, you need to have a lifelong commitment to fighting against racism. It wasn’t enough to not be homophobic. You needed to actively support a gay agenda. You were expected to pick a side of may different debates and become a vocal supporter of the right side.
Identity politics are derived from Chinese methods.
DEI education is intended to turn our children into into obedient automatons, by making them question themselves and distrust themselves.
It is a thought-provoking speech.