Farmers rally before Westminster a third time in London/ Andrew Bridgen interviewed on globalist takeover of farmland and Agenda 2030 (The SDGs)

Under 4 minute video.

Andrew Bridgen, who was the most outspoken member of the UK parliament on vaccines, lockdowns, and globalism, was chucked out in what was almost certainly a rigged election several months ago. He’s been in parliament about 12 years with about 60% of the vote in prior elections. But this time he got 3%. Not 30%. 3%. No sitting politician ever gets that. He explained the various ways it was rigged to me, which I won’t detail now.

I am pleased to say that he and I have spoken at gigs together in England, Ireland, Norway and done some interviews together. Here is one we did with Russell Brand.

He is a lovely man, very focused on fixing things. And even after getting chucked out of his seat, he continues the fight for what is right. Happy to say he seems more relaxed here than when we worked together. Below are some shots from the video to whet your interest.

Farmers are being shafted everywhere, and have rallied against their governments all over Europe and in India. The globalist agenda to reduce and remake the food supply is, well… global.

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