Louisiana, the Moneypox vaccine and public health, continued
A major review of monkeypox vaccine studies acknowledges that estimating efficacy after exposure is challenging, but thinks the vaccine works well otherwise. It also admits that whether the vaccine reduces disease severity is not known. The authors selected 16 of 33 studies to review, of which only 11 were ranked “good” quality.

What about the side effects? After about 1.2 million Americans (mostly males) received the Jynneos vaccine (and some got the ACAM2000 vaccine) in 2022-23, why don’t we know more about the side effects?
CDC admits that ACAM2000 led to myocarditis in one in 175 recipients (which equals 5.7 in 1,000) as long as they had not received any earlier smallpox vaccine. I’ve shown CDC’s slides on this several times but I guess I should include them again.

CDC believes the risk of cardiac complications from Jynneos is less than ACAM2000. In other words, after the USG (BARDA) put $2 billion dollars into the development and production of Jynneos, it is desperate to believe it made a wise decision.
How badly is the vaccine needed? Is it important to prevent monkeypox? Does it cause a very severe illness or does it transmit very easily? NO to both.
During six weeks in August to October 2024, the WHO did not receive a single report of any deaths associated with monkeypox in Africa, despite reports of 4,321 new cases.

CDC admitted to clinicians that it is usually a mild illness that requires no special or specific therapy, and is not easily transmitted.

Let’s return to Louisiana.
It is difficult to calculate how much money is spent by the states and federal government to prevent the flu each year. All I can say is that it must be billions. Because CDC keeps making the ridiculous claim that influenza costs the US $90 billion/year ($250 pp/py):

And so a huge piece of the CDC’s and state public health agencies’ budgets go to fighting influenza. They put up posters, hold events, do interviews and press conferences and put out constant press releases trying to get the entire country vaccinated. The states hold clinics for all 3 of these vaccines. No wonder the staff are confused and demoralized by what Louisiana is doing. They have been misinformed throughout their professional lives with overblown stories about the dangers of these infections, the high efficacy of the shots and the remarkable lack of side effects.
They don’t know that many studies now reveal that the more COVID shots you have had, the more likely you are to get COVID—or have a serious adverse reaction, including death. Such things could not be discussed in polite company.
They don’t know what the side effects of the monkeypox shots are, nor that it is generally a mild disease treatable with tylenol or aspirin.
They don’t know that you have to vaccinate 50-100 people or more (depending on the year) to prevent one case of flu.
These 3 vaccines ought to be available to whomever wants them, as long as there is full disclosure of their risks and benefits to each recipient. In fact, that is what the law already requires. All that Louisiana, RFK and Meryl Nass expect from the public health establishment is to convey accurate and complete information about every recommended intervention.