Coquin de Chien (Naughty Dog) John Beaudoin suggests how the medical freedom and democracy movement might become more effective
John works even harder than I do, trying to fix everything wrong in the world singlehandedly
[What began as a short article grew into multiple theses and subjects. After several rounds of editing with my friend, Dr. Meryl Nass, it is apparent that, and per Meryl’s recommendation, this should be multiple articles and a research paper. Here are the likely articles in the series. 1) Leadership, Management, and Strategic Planning in the Covid Era, 2) The Ineffective Messaging of “Myocarditis in Young, Male Athletes”, 3) Sudden Kidney Failure Began with Government Incentives, not with COVID, 4) Top-Down Investigation, Bottom-Up Quantification Method for Epidemiological Vigilance, 5) Differences in Pneumonia, COVID, and All-Cause Death Profiles by Age Group.]
The health freedom movement exploded in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid mandates including the modRNA gene drugs rebranded as “vaccines.” It is, thus, understandable that growing pains would initially yield an inefficient marketplace of ideas in health freedom.
In the COVID era, mistakes were made by leaders in the movement … the same mistakes … over and over again. A synopsis of the mistakes lies in quotes likely mis-attributed to Einstein, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” and “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”1 What Einstein may have actually said is better advice for this movement, “The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”2
Messaging Mistakes
Four (4) years is a long time to keep making the same mistakes. One mistake detailed in the next article in this series is the narrowly tailored message of COVID “vaccine” injury and death. “Myocarditis in young, male athletes” is highlighted far more than any other condition by leaders in the movement. Sudden kidney failure, pulmonary embolism, and stroke deaths from COVID “vaccines” are orders of magnitude more common than “myocarditis in young, male athletes,” yet rarely are mentioned. As a result, the public gets the errant message that COVID “vaccine” caused deaths are orders of magnitude more “rare” than they actually are. Alas, they are common!
Leaders by Default
Some “leaders” are recruited as heroes and champions without having the requisite leadership and management skills or experience. They become classic Peter Principle examples, rising into a position in which they have little competence.
It is unfair to lay blame for poor health freedom results in the COVID era upon these purported heroes and voices of the movement. They were recruited and they assumed the role. They don’t even know what they don’t know. However, if they assume the leadership role, then they have a duty to learn strategic planning, leadership essentials, management theories, organizational behavior, and messaging to the marketplace. These are essential skills to effectuate efficient operations. In a leadership and management role, medical doctors should respect management theories, techniques, and research papers as much as they respect medical theories, techniques, and research papers, else hubris causes poor results.
Cursory Health Freedom Market Analysis
Nascent organizations often go through an initial in-fighting phase in which people jockey for management positions and power within the hierarchy. These start-up pains may not have affected the health freedom non-profit organizations that existed before the Covid era.
As a result of the in-fighting, individuals were ousted and organizations churned personnel (volunteers) who did not obtain their desired job title or were not compatible with the management style of those in power.
After achieving internal Pareto efficiency of culture and behavior, there came the issue of out-fighting resulting from competing for market share (donors). Representatives of organizations spoke badly about other organizations, which often makes both organizations lose donations.
Some organizations should consider a plan to deploy a cultural reset management technique to reorient their culture toward their stated mission and away from external competition and mere survival. Success should not be defined by cash flow, but rather by advancement or completion of the mission.
The health freedom market now comprises many disparate and weak organizations that compete amongst each other for mindshare of politicians whom they lobby to promote their respective objectives. However, throwing pebbles at a giant is just a pebble massage for the giant.
Government issues
It is now a known fact, through the FOIA responses obtained by America First Legal3 and ICAN,4 that federal government agencies worked with social media companies to suppress true information regarding deaths and injuries resulting from Covid “vaccines.” Mark Zuckerberg admitted this very issue on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast this week.5
What is not known is whether these same government agents promoted the social media accounts of individuals they knew would be ineffective. Promotion of unknowing patsies to have millions of social media followers is at least as powerful as suppression of truth tellers who have a moderate number of followers.
Imagine if you could select the leaders of your opposition for their lack of leadership skills, lack of strategic thinking, and their robust ego that leads them to believe they are qualified to be a leader. Such a patsy would be very accomplished in his profession, yet ignorant of systems management. The ineffective leaders and their hero worshiping followers may never know how ineffective and non-strategic they are. The patsies would be loved and held up as champions, while having little effect in winning new hearts and minds toward health freedom.
One Immediate Solution
Wars are not won against superior forces by inferior forces acting independently. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” adage causes the desire to combine with other inferior forces against the superior force. When combining, it is important to understand the differences between uniting and allying.
Uniting usually results in failure. Each sovereign organization has their own leader and mission. Uniting causes leaders to cede power to the overall union leader and causes organizations to abandon their mission for the union’s mission. It may sound like nitpicking, but alliances are very different from unions.
Wars are won through strategic alliances among sovereign groups. In an alliance, each organization keeps its leader, and keeps its mission. Ally to strategically combine utility and planning. Then execute tactics toward achieving common objectives that align with each group’s sovereign mission. The missions may remain different, but the common objectives are where the combination yields efficient results creating greater probability of winning the war.
Please consider the following simple strategic plan for the health freedom movement.
- Build a “100-Day Freedom Alliance” among sovereign groups
- Meet and agree upon common objectives (exempli gratia, Stop the Shots, Fund the Vaccine Injured, Make the Courts Accessible Again, Pass the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act … other suggestions welcome)
- Maximize the utility of all groups toward the common objectives that align with each group’s sovereign mission.
Fortiores cum socii – Stronger with allies
In order to effectuate the 100-Day Freedom Alliance, each group must be assured that there is little risk and great reward for joining the alliance. Anxiety must be addressed before an alliance can be formed. Fear of donor and follower predation must be allayed in the minds of the leaders of the sovereign groups.
We only have a few weeks to put together the alliance and decide on three (3) to five (5) common objectives. After the objectives are agreed upon, each group then rallies their supporters to lobby the Trump administration, legislators, and local officials to effectuate the common objectives.
40,000 voices at a rally without a clear objective is wasted utility. If twenty (20) groups ally and beseech their followers to send a message to the Trump administration, Congress, and state officials, then the public opinion of millions can make a difference.
If the alliance works well for 100 days, we can continue it for other freedom-oriented objectives.
The 100-Day Freedom Alliance is missing the word “health” for a reason. Ally with the “2A” groups and the moms for liberty and constitutional groups. Why bring 40K people when you can bring 400K people? Why bring 400K people when you can bring 4 million people?
Agree on objectives, then hammer those objectives home. Set the table, else social media controllers and politicians will set it for you.
God bless you all.
John 14: 6 TRUTH
Debunking the Misquote: What Einstein Actually Said About Insanity. Found at on 2025 January 03.
Butterman, Y. (2021 Aug 5). “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Medium. Found at on 2025 January 03.
(2025). Search: Facebook. America First Legal. Found at
on 2025 January 10.
(February 14, 2022). ICAN-Obtained Email Shows Alliance Between White House, Facebook, and Pharma. ICAN Legal Update. Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). Found at on 2025 January 10.
Rogan, J. (2025). #2255 – Mark Zuckerberg. Joe Rogan Experience. Found atRogan, J. (2025). #2255 – Mark Zuckerberg. Joe Rogan Experience. Found at
on 2025 January 10.