Using Foundations for Quid Pro Quos, and to assure great jobs for out of work politicians

Snapshots of unseemly donations in the US, Australia, New Zealand and the UK

The Clinton Foundation

Australia’s former Prime Minister Gillard and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation

Now she is Chairman of the Board of the Wellcome Trust, Jeremy Farrar’s old haunt. She replaced the retired head of MI-5.

Kevin Rudd, former Australian Prime Minister, who donated Australian taxpayer dough to the Clinton Foundation and then got many plum jobs in the US. Now he is Australia’s ambassador to the US. He sought to become UN Secretary-General.

Jacinda Ardern, who like Kevin Rudd also received a sinecure at Harvard after trashing New Zealand, has now received a gift of US $20 million dollars from Melinda French Gates.

Boris Johnson, former UK PM and good buddy of Bill Gates, gave nearly 2 billion dollars to Bill Gates’ favorite charity, GAVI, along with other heads of state also donating. What will each receive in return?

It is not clear yet how Boris will cash out. But we can be assured he will.

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