Jim Haslam posted in great detail on virus findings in Laos in 2023. His post is too long for email so I provide only the first part here, then PLEASE go to his site for the rest

Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/jim-haslam-posted-in-great-detailLet’s be blunt: the US Government collected the closest progenitor to SARS2 In 2017 from a bat cave outside of China JIM HASLAM OCT 02, 2023 https://jimhaslam.substack.com/p/lets-be-blunt-the-us-government-collected?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web If you have been infected with SARS2, your human body has Covid antibodies to a bat virus found in a remote Laos bat cave. Those bat...

Let’s be blunt: the US Government collected the closest progenitor to SARS2

In 2017 from a bat cave outside of China


OCT 02, 2023


If you have been infected with SARS2, your human body has Covid antibodies to a bat virus found in a remote Laos bat cave. Those bat samples were collected in 2017 by an obscure US government agency, and it’s probably the craziest story about the origin of SARS2.

The Banal bat cave is near this Sinxayaram Temple in Laos

When US-funded scientists collect foreign bat samples, they hire locals to set up ‘harp traps’ to collect the bat as they leave their caves at night. These UC Davis scientists, funded by NIAID’s CREID project, showed us how this works.

They collect bat blood and bat feces samples, which are then shipped back to US labs, such as RML in Montana and UNC in North Carolina.

From NIAID’s CREID project covering Southeast Asia

Montana-based virologists, like Dr Vincent Munster from RML, harvest bat samples from bat caves all over the world. Why? So they can make self-spreading bat vaccines and ‘countermeasures’ against these foreign pathogens. They are trying to ‘preempt’ spillover events into the human population. Munster was also the $9Mwinner of the 2018 DARPA Preempt project.

The RML Ebola project in Africa stored “the night’s crop of samples in liquid nitrogen. Because shipping material that might contain the Ebola virus is a bureaucratic nightmare, the samples might not arrive in the United States for months.” Once the samples arrive in the US, they will be split, with one part tested for Ebola RNA in Munster’s Montana laboratory. If it proves positive, the researchers will mix another portion of the sample with cultured bat and monkey cells to test for active virus. “You just add a bit from that sample to your cells and wait [to see] whether you get virus replication,” Munster says.

From 2018-20, there were apparently so many coronavirus samples in Munster’s lab, his postdoc had to come up with a novel way to organize them. They were ready to publish their results (including RaTG13?) in December 2019, but a Wuhan lab leak got in the way! Both Munster and his postdoc somehow missed the SARS2 furin cleavage site in their Jan 2020 paper but privately mentioned its existence to reporters.

China vs Laos

Up until 2021, the closest bat sample to SARS2 was collected by Dr Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It was called RaTG13 and used NIAID funding for collection in 2013 from the Mojiang mineshaft. This manmade bat cave was located about 1,000 miles southwest of Wuhan and 125 miles north of the Laos border. This Chinese bat sample was the closest to SARS2 (96.1%) and logically made Shi suspect #1 in a Wuhan lab leak scenario.

USAID Predict, another US government agency that funded the collection of bat samples, was within a few miles of the Chinese Mojiang miners who fell ill in April 2012.

USAID Predict (renamed “DEEP VZN”) was quietly canceled in 2023. US government officials gave a “non-denial” about what funding was available.

What happened to the 2017 Laos bat samples?

In February 2017, a US Navy group from the Naval Medical Research Center-Asia(NMRC-A) visited a Vientiane, Laos lab managed by an American expat.


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