The sages at The NY Times just discovered a Citizen Petition to FDA asking it to revoke the COVID vaccines on May 16, 2021 signed by RFK, Jr. and Meryl Nass, MD
Instead of pinning medals on us for our perspicacity the NYT prefers slander
Kennedy, Nass and CHD Citizen Petition:

The main thrust of this hit piece by the NY Times is that COVID vaccines work. That they saved an enormous number of lives. That asking for them to be stopped put millions of lives at risk. That Kennedy, Nass and others spread misinformation.
And, ya gotta laugh or cry over this one, that putting Kennedy in charge of HHS when we might need a national rollout of bird flu vaccines while we face a potential bird flu crisis (and California has already declared a crisis) could have horrendous repercussions.
The petition was filed a month and a half after Walensky had to walk back comments about the vaccine stopping infection, from the NY Post:

And the NYT sages got their arithmetic wrong: We petitioned FDA 5 months after the rollout. And about 2 and a half months before Rochelle Walensky admitted the vaccines don’t stop transmission (which means they don’t stop infection).

The vaccines have a brief period of initial benefit that lasts about 6 months, then vaccinated people become more likely to catch COVID. So what did the USG (and other funders) do? They stopped revealing data on infections occurring in the vaccinated cohort after the six month mark! I will do a post on this soon.

The petition was filed on behalf of the nonprofit that Mr. Kennedy founded and led, Children’s Health Defense. It claimed that the risks of the vaccines outweighed the benefits and that the vaccines weren’t necessary because good treatments were available, including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which had already been deemed ineffective against the virus.
The petition received little notice when it was filed. Mr. Kennedy was then on the fringes of the public health establishment, and the agency denied it within months. Public health experts told about the filing said it was shocking.
Another study found that in late 2021 and 2022, Covid death rates among unvaccinated people were 14 times the rates of those who had received a Covid booster shot. Researchers also estimated that from May 2021 through September 2022, more than 230,000 deaths could have been prevented among people who declined initial Covid inoculations.
In May, when Mr. Kennedy petitioned the F.D.A. to “immediately remove Covid vaccines from the market,” he was joined by Dr. Meryl Nass, a member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board and a physician in Maine.
Her medical license was initially suspended on an emergency basis in early 2022 for prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to patients with severe cases of Covid, including one who was intubated, Maine medical board records show.
She later sued the board, claiming that it retaliated against her for exercising her right to free speech. The case is pending.
In 2022, Mr. Kennedy and others filed a lawsuit against the F.D.A. on behalf of Children’s Health Defense and parents who said they were concerned that their children would be given Covid vaccines without their knowledge or consent. The amended lawsuit, filed in July 2022, sought a court order requesting that the agency reconsider granting authorization for Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines for children.
Okay, so the only reason to revoke the license of EUA for a medical product is because the risk exceeds the products’ benefits. Did we know this on May 16, 2021 when our petition was filed? We cited 73 evidentiary sources in our footnotes to back up our claims—all ignored by The NY Times. Did we prove our points? What did the FDA know on May 16, 2021 or when it reviewed our Petition?
You can read our 19 page Petition above or my summary, below.
- We said the risks outweighed the benefits
- We said HCQ and Ivermectin worked against COVID and federal guidance regarding those drugs should be amended
- We said children had rare cases and almost no serious cases and should not be vaccinated
- We asked that no informed consent waiver be issued for Servicemembers
- We asked that there be no adverse consequences for vaccine refusal
- We asked that all marketing refrain from labeling the vaccines “safe and effective.”
- We pointed out that as of May 10, 2021 VAERS had already published reports of 4,434 deaths following COVID vaccines, which is considerably more than for any other vaccine offered in the US
- We pointed out that CDC was not tracking vaccine-associated deaths in real time, and had no plans to include vaccination status in its COVID-19 mortality analysis
- We noted that Denmark had already banned the J and J COVID vaccine and that considerable reporting of blood clots associated with the J and J vaccine existed at that time and had been acknowledged by CDC.
- FDA was already aware of extremely high rates of myocarditis in young males and anaphylaxis associated with COVID vaccines, both roughly 100 times what is expected for other vaccines.
- We pointed out that the reported death rate associated with the COVID vaccines was about 50 times greater than the reported death rate from the 1976 swine flu vaccine, which ended the use of swine flu vaccine then.
- We noted extraordinary omissions in the animal safety data.
- We noted that without a list of vaccine adverse effects, injured parties petitioning the CICP would be unable to prove vaccine causality and thus fail to receive any benefits.
- We noted that CDC had already acknowledged thousands of “breakthrough” cases in vaccinated individuals, and had further changed CDC’s reporting requirements on May 1 to reduce the collection of such reports.
- We pointed out (along with 3 US Senators) that FDA cannot regulate the practice of medicine and that its issuing of the HCQ EUA, and that its recommendation against HCQ’s use, in collaboration with other entities, was unprecedented, misleading and lacked a scientific basis.
- We pointed out that FDA had approved the use of borderline lethal doses of HCQ in 2 clinical trials conducted in the US.
- We noted child deaths in COVID vaccine clinical trials and estimated the child death rate following vaccination to be 0.1% while the child death rate from COVID was at least 2 orders of magnitude less.
Here is a list of databases the CDC had access to (but hid the results from the public) to assess the safety of COVID vaccines, many of which were paid for with taxpayer funds to private owners of the data, including patient medical records.

I made the following screenshot on May 21, 2021 from the CDC website, revealing CDC was aware of anaphylaxis and thrombosis resulting from COVID vaccines and took pains to downplay them:

The feds hid the high myocarditis rates in young people until after issuing the EUA for Pfizer’s vaccine for 12-16 year olds on May 10 or 12, 2021.

By May 1, 2021 CDC knew the vaccine was failing, which is when the order went down to hospitals to stop reporting most vaccine breakthrough cases, unless certain stringent conditions were met, such as a death.
By January 2022 The NY Times knew the shots only provided very brief immunity and frequent boosters (every few months) were being discussed. Israel had started offering a 4th dose. So why do NYT reporters today pretend the shots work wonderfully well?

I am at the email limit so will pick up in another post.