Bobby was mistaken: he still has an active campaign committee, which can only be put to rest after its debt has been retired

While Biden and Mayorkas refused to provide him secret service protection, his campaign wracked up a few $million for Security

To be a Kennedy running for office or seeking a nomination, you are putting your life at risk, every moment. Not only is the loss of privacy annoying, it is very expensive. American citizens paid $15 million for Tony Fauci’s protection, using US Marshalls.

Every time Mr. Kennedy attended a campaign event, he had about 6 highly trained bodyguards to protect him and monitor the crowds.

Behind Bobby in yesterday’s hearing is his wife, Cheryl Hines. To Cheryl’s right is Amaryllis Fox, his daughter-in-law. To Cheryl’s left is Bobby’s bodyguard. Bobby is still paying privately for protection.

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