Lockheed told us 3 months ago you could commandeer a Blackhawk helicopter from a distance

Why did it take so long to make public the pilot's name? Where are the black box recordings?

Hat tip to my friend John Day and his blog:



Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems President Stephanie Hill — a non-pilot — commanded the autonomous Black Hawk helicopter to take off, hover, fly a circuit, and land in Connecticut from a tablet during the AUSA symposium in Washington, DC.

Although safety pilots are in the cockpit, the aircraft flew and navigated itself without pilot input.

Ready to transition to the U.S. Army

Following more than ten years of co-development with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the MATRIX autonomy system is operationally tested. MATRIX will enable contested logistics and operational flexibility with any aircraft, any operator, and in any weather/environment to deliver mission critical, time sensitive sustainment to the point of need.

DARPA Taps Sikorsky to Add Autonomy to U.S. Army-Owned Black Hawk Helicopter

As part of the DARPA ALIAS program, Sikorsky has furthered the development of the MATRIX autonomy system to perform missions with greater efficiency and safety – whether with two pilots, one pilot, or zero pilots on board. As a forward node in the mesh network, MATRIX equipped aircraft provide mission command and fully autonomous capability at the edge.

Ahead of Ready

Autonomous capabilities such as MATRIX technology are a key part of Lockheed Martin’s 21st Century Security®vision, which includes modernizing the Black Hawk helicopter to stay ahead of new and emerging threats.

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