5 Cartoons

Including the misdirection, sloppiness and impaired memory of Dr. Faust, the part-time ER doctor and pundit
Including the misdirection, sloppiness and impaired memory of Dr. Faust, the part-time ER doctor and pundit
As I said from Day 1, you only have to read these treaties and you will hate them. The globalists only got them this far through secrecy, lies and misdirection.
As I said from Day 1, you only have to read these treaties and you will hate them. The globalists only got them this far through secrecy, lies and misdirection.
Torpedo what exists and give the survivors no choice regarding how to climb out of the hole the cabal creats: a ONE world government
Torpedo what exists and give the survivors no choice regarding how to climb out of the hole the cabal creats: a ONE world government
Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/good-news-10-groups-including-doortofreedom We will be holding a breakfast for Senators, Members and staffs to learn about the WHO power grab on November 8. It will be in the Senate Visitors Center (SVC210) from 8:30 am-10 am for the formal presentation, while experts will be there to answer questions or repeat presentations till noon. Speakers…
The federal government continues to try and fool the public into thinking misinformation is a dire problem and a crime. Misinformation is whatever the government does not want you to know.
The federal government continues to try and fool the public into thinking misinformation is a dire problem and a crime. Misinformation is whatever the government does not want you to know.
This should make it clear to all what a disaster we would have faced had the WHO's February 2023 version passed
This should make it clear to all what a disaster we would have faced had the WHO’s February 2023 version passed