How much has the USG spent on bird flu over the past 2 years with nothing to show for it? Feb 16, 2025

on-site biosecurity. Feb 16, 2025
on-site biosecurity.
Need your help getting resolutions like this passed and getting governors and AGs to go along.
Need your help getting resolutions like this passed and getting governors and AGs to go along.
MedPage Today, an apologist rag for the pandemic response, goes off script
MedPage Today, an apologist rag for the pandemic response, goes off script
What is the GPMB anyway? A very important globalist piece of the takeover. Read on.
What is the GPMB anyway? A very important globalist piece of the takeover. Read on.
Check out today's front page
Check out today’s front page
Epoch Times and CHD-TV streamed it live. World Council for Health will show all or part of it. 17 speakers and 7 hours.
Epoch Times and CHD-TV streamed it live. World Council for Health will show all or part of it. 17 speakers and 7 hours.
Oh no we would never steal any sovereignty says the World STEALTH Organization. Thanks to Liberty Council for its clear explanation of what is really going on at the WHO
Oh no we would never steal any sovereignty says the World STEALTH Organization. Thanks to Liberty Council for its clear explanation of what is really going on at the WHO