We must never again allow the deliberate manufacturing of hatred.
Great post by Josh Stylman
Great post by Josh Stylman
Amendment IV: No search or seizure without cause. Tulsi was challenged on Section 702 searches by Senators.
Amendment IV: No search or seizure without cause. Tulsi was challenged on Section 702 searches by Senators.
The hacking was so obvious this past week even the mainstream media reported on it
The hacking was so obvious this past week even the mainstream media reported on it
Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/breggin-and-malone-analysis-and-suggested I consider both Robert Malone and Catherine Austin Fitts good friends and extremely effective and knowledgeable, creative, brilliant warriors. Both I believe share with me the same conception of our world. I have never met or spoken to Matthias Desmet and I slightly know the Breggins. While I was not taken with…
A minor clarification for Amazing Polly
A minor clarification for Amazing Polly
By John Klar (DoortoFreedom contributor) at the American Thinker.
By John Klar (DoortoFreedom contributor) at the American Thinker.
9 am and I don't expect it to last very long. Wish me luck.
9 am and I don’t expect it to last very long. Wish me luck.