Look at CDC’s own data, from June 23, regarding myocarditis cases in teens, using VAERS (highly underreported) data

I am posting this because FDA and CDC soon plan to license and impose de facto mandates of the vaccine for the 12-15 year age group, despite its danger for them.  As the Los Angeles school district did 3 days ago.

Myocarditis occurs at least 32 times more often than it should during the first week after vaccination in boys, and at least 10 times more often than it is expected to in girls, according to this chart.

But VAERS is a voluntary reporting system which includes only a fraction of the actual cases.

Note how the risk of myocarditis is inversely proportional to age, while the risk from Covid is directly proportional.  According to these numbers the risk is about 1/15,000 vaccinated.  But if only 1% of cases get reported, the risk would be one in 150 boys.  

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  1. Remember that the CDC has, in some of its articles, treated people within 2 weeks of their first dose as unvaccinated. Not partially vaccinated.

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