FDA promised very extensive surveillance for adverse effects of Covid vaccines–presentation to FDA VRBPAC Advisory Committee, October 22, 2020

Another story by Greg Gordon explores the false/misleading answer the FBI provided Rep. Nadler, a House Judiciary subcommittee chairman, when he asked about the silicon content of the anthrax letters in September 2008. It took 7 months to get the wrong answer. Nadler was told the Leahy letter contained 1.4% silicon (felt to be “naturally”…
https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/21/360bbb-3 21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3 – Authorization for medical products for use in emergencies (A)Required conditions With respect to the emergency use of an unapproved product, the Secretary, to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances described in subsection (b)(1), shall, for a person who carries out any activity for which the authorization is issued, establish such conditions on an authorization…
Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie · 15h Acknowledge natural immunity Allow conventional vaccines in USA Encourage effective treatments Stop EUA vs “approved” shell game Focus on helping those “at risk” Quit acting as if cloth masks work End mandates & passports Return lawmaking to legislatures Resume normal today
Was monkeypox planned, in part, as way to get injections into Africans? Or as a way to get injections into recalcitrant westerners? From STAT: [Tedros took it upon himself to declare the global emergency, it seems. He is buddies with Bill Gates–Nass] In an unusual move, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made the declaration even…
Not to put too fine a point on it, but today’s Reuters story has even more bad news on safety at our highest containment labs: According to a 2012 report by CDC scientists, there were 16 incidents of lost or escaped microbes from select-agent labs in 2004, meaning everything from misplaced samples to an infected…
‘Helter-skelter’ means ‘in chaotic and disorderly haste’. It seems a good descriptor of how public health mouthpieces are dealing with the facts oozing out of the public health muck regarding the Delta variant. Considering that their strategy has been to use Delta to impose ever more harsh and unjustifiable Great Reset measures, their brains must…
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The listed "possible adverse event outcomes" are so dangerous and debilitating that it is bewildering how anyone would agree to play Russian Roulette with these experimental gene therapies. The brainwashing has been very effective.
The coroner's report finally came out on that x-ray tech California who died 4 days after his second Pfizer shot. The results: he "died of hypertensive and atherosclerotic heart disease with severe cardiomegaly and heart failure." Mind you, his symptoms started within hours of getting the vaccine, with abdominal pain and shortness of breath. He had a history of hypertension, but it was well-controlled with medication.
So how does a guy who has no history of an enlarged heart, has controlled hypertension, suddenly dies of "severe cardiomegaly and heart failure?" Can we say Myocarditis??? Am I wrong?
Below, all data, directly from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS.
This compares the total number of adverse events reported to VAERS:
1] from 1990-2020 for all vaccines spanning 31 years,
compared with
2] 2021 and covid-vax
Total deaths reported to VAERS after vax
8,680: 1990-2020 all vax
10,991: 2021 covid vax
Total hospitalized after vax reported to VAERS
15,952: 1990-2020 all vax
59,347: 2021 covid vax
Put another way, 8,680 deaths over 31 years = 280 per year average.
In six months, or half a year, this = 140 deaths per half-year average.
In six months of after covid vax = 10,991 deaths in half a year.
10,991 is 79.5 times more deaths after covid vax compared to historical average.
Or 7,950% more.
15,952 after vax hospitalizations in 31 years = 514.6 average per year.
This is six-month average = 257.3.
Six months of after covid-vax hospitalizations = 59,347.
This is 230.7 times more hospitalizations.
Or 23,662% more hospitalizations after covid-vax.
The total number of adverse events reported is six-month average of 49,294, 1990-2020.
Total adverse events in 2021 from covid-vax in six months = 2,053,959.
This is 41.7 times greater after covid vax, or 4,167% higher.
Total permanent disability after vax reported to VAERS 1990-2020 is six-month average of 304.9.
Total permanent disability after covid vax reported to VAERS in 2021 in six months is 30,781.
This is 101 times greater than 31 year historical average.
Or 10,095% greater.
Total Emergency Room [ER] after vax reported to VAERS
15,952: 1990-2020 [all vax combined]
59,347: 2021 [covid vax]
Put another way, 15,952 ER over 31 years = 514.6 per year average.
In six months, or half a year, this = 257.3 ER per half-year average.
In six months of after covid vax = 59,347 ER in half a year.
59,347 is 230.7 times more ER visits, after covid vax compared to historical average.
Or 23,065% more ER reported to VAERs, from after covid vax, compared to 31 year historical vax average for all vax combined.
This is not a comparison from after covid vax, to any single other vaccine type.
This is comparison of ALL COMBINED, historical average of 31 years of all of the others.
Any covid vax to any particular type of vax are astronomically more adverse events, i.e., viz. death, hospitalization, permanent disability, etc.
From 1990 through first six months of this year, VAERS reports of:
1,849 spontaneous abortions [fetal death at <20 weeks of gestation].
810 of these reported after covid vax since January of this year.
From 1990-2020
1,034 miscarriages after vax [zero covid vax in this total]
1,034 over 31 years
= 33.4 per year, average or
= 16.7 per half-year average.
This is 48.6 times more miscarriages < 20 weeks reported to VAERS with after covid vax, compared to all other vax' combined.
Or 4,857% more.
Government continues to hide the V-SAFE data, allegedly set up by the CDC to closely monitor adverse effects during pregnancy.
Yes, they did promise to monitor AEs, separately from VAERS, using data sources from claims and electronic health records, and where is the reporting on that monitoring? Why is NO media asking for updates on the FDA's own tracking of AEs?
Also: In slides 4 + 5 that you posted, listing their proposed data sources, notice the very small print in the lower left corner – data lags of up to 12 months.
This is not The Onion, but a string worth reading, including Fauci statements, especially in thread #2, [and from mouth of Eric Topol]. The timeline in #1.
Dr. Charles Hoffe: D-Dimer Blood Tests Showing Blood Clots After COVID Vaccination, “These Shots Are Causing Permanent Damage and the Worst Is Yet to Come.”!
Re: the term "experimental gene therapies"
These synthetic gene products (injectable products intended to prevent or reduce the severity of COVID-19) should not be called therapies. They have absolutely no therapeutic effect, and are not even intended to be therapeutic.
I understand the impulse to refuse to call them vaccines. However, replacing the word "vaccine/s" with "therapy/ies" simply replaces one fallacy with another – because therapy implies a remedial benefit.
Please, find another word if you just can't live with the word vaccine for these synthetic gene products.