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Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab, and the infiltration of governments by the World Economic Forum/ Gateway Pundit
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Mass vaccinations for Swine Flu: learning from hindsight
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3 Months Before Anthrax Sent, Daschle Criticized Anthrax Vaccine
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Is American democracy headed to extinction? WaPo editorial
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Swine research confirms flu shots can increase risk of flu and cause more severe illness/ CIDRAP
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"Traditional Vaccines Now in Question: Dr. Harvey Risch Loses All Trust in the CDC and the FDA"
“My trust level in those institutions is ZERO.”
"Top Pro-Vaccine Doctor Calls for Global Pause of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines"
"It’s conclusive: COVID-19 was made in a laboratory"!
Very helpful commentary on all this. Your courage to call out bullsh[t with precision is priceless. Thank you.
"Myself and my Extended Family of #400 registered Voters are no longer giving any Funds to the Democrat Party!"
'It is their CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, appointed Commissioners'
"GOP Governors Promise 'Not To Mandate' COVID-19 Vaccine For Children"!