What I am seeing happening in the world of Covid now

1.  A case was adjudicated in Weimar, Germany regarding the necessity of pandemic measures (and the actual occurrence of a dangerous pandemic) for children several months ago.  The plaintiffs won, and the Weimar government was ordered to dismantle its lockdown and school-based measures. 

Next, the judge was attacked, had electronics seized, was searched and possibly jailed.  This was a couple of months ago.

This week, 14 locations related to 8 people (the judge, another judge who was a friend of the first judge, the expert witnesses, the plaintiff and the plaintiff’s partner were all searched and electronics were seized.  The best guess is that the German government is on a fishing expedition to build a case against the judge, witnesses etc. for some illicit behavior.  This is unprecedented lawlessness against the judicial system itself, in an attempt to over turn the first successful legal challenge to the pandemic response.  Very important case.  Consider supporting the defense of those who were attacked.

2.  The paper I wrote about earlier, published last week in the Vaccines journal was retracted, with no methodologic criticism, no inaccuracy alleged, simply because it found that for every 3 lives saved by vaccination, 2 are lost due to adverse reactions to the vaccine.

3.  The CDC’s ACIP meeting made clear that CDC intends to begin booster shots in the fall, even without supportive evidence that they are needed or even beneficial.

4.  The Army Times and Navy Times have written that vaccinations for servicemembers will become mandatory in September, after the vaccines are fully licensed. One article claims only 15% of Army soldiers have taken the vaccine.

5.  CDC and FDA have dug their heels in to cover up the adverse reactions and hide the databases they use to determine actual adverse event rates.

6.  It is said that 500 colleges are requiring vaccinations of students and usually of staff as well.  Legal proceedings against these mandates have been threatened at U California, U Connecticut, U Indiana and Rutgers–interestingly, all state universities.

7.  People in Sydney, Australia went out to the parks and open areas yesterday despite instructions to stay home, enjoying the unseasonable warmth without masks. Will Australia’s impossible “zero covid” policy remain standing?

8.  Governments appear to be testing the waters regarding what the population will tolerate vis a vis lockdown measures.

9.  The NEW BUSINESS ITEM #33 at the National Education Association’s (NEA) virtual assembly, which called for forced covid testing and vaccination of all students and staff to reopen schools in September, was overwhelmingly defeated. One post on twitter said 81% of the delegates voted no.  It seems the crowd is realizing there is almost no Covid in the US.

10.  Fourteen states offered lotteries up to 1 million dollars to encourage vaccinations.  The NYT reports there was a short burst in vaccinations then it ended, and at least 2 states have given up the lottery plan as it failed to continue to produce the desired increase in vaccinations.

11.  47% of the total US population has been vaccinated.  8% more had just one dose, and most of them stopped after one.  67% of those over 18 have had at least one dose of vaccine; 58% have had both doses.  It looks like this is where the numbers will stay.  I think 40% of US adults are going to remained unvaccinated, or have decided to stop after one dose.  How the government tries to corral this group into taking these dangerous vaccines will be interesting.

12.  In terms of estimating the magnitude of danger, Dr. Charles Hoffe had 900 vaccinated patients, and 10 became significantly ill after, and I think he said 5 became permanently disabled.

13.  The SIEU Nurse’s union in the mid-Atlantic states, and the NY Nurses Association have come out against the vaccine mandates, which a number of hospitals have announced will be enforced once Covid vaccines are licensed.

14.  France has threatened to vaccinate everyone from age 24-59, maybe even everyone down to age 12.

15.  Three hundred healthcare workers in Italy have lodged a legal challenge against the requirement that they get vaccinated against coronavirus, according to media reports Saturday.

16.  Strangely, it has suddenly become easier for Americans to travel to many countries in Europe–at the same time that the Vaccien passport was rolled out, July 1.  It was said that there was utter confusion at airports about how to deal with vaccine passports.  It looks like the rollout was too precipitous.  But it is such an inviting concept for the rulers of the world, I doubt it will be shelved for long.

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  1. Two comments. On point one: It seems that the Germans have forgotten their not too distant past. Not surprising to me as the Germans stil have that huge arrogant streak in them. They will even admit it as in an amusing encounter I had while visiting the Charlottenberg Palace. Museum attendant: "You don't want to visit that side of the museum as it a bunch of bullshit Prussian militaristic art. The road to state perdition: Attack the independent judiciary beyond the point of simple intimidation. Next step Fascism perhaps?

    On point nine: It's time that the NEA suffers a rebuke of their anti-education stance and the endorsement of failed methods in the languages, Math and science. Sagan's point in the book THE DEMON-HAUNTED WORLD: SCIENCE AS A CANDLE IN THE DARK as to the undereducation in the sciences leaves us vulnerable to the ambitious technocrats that want to lie to us

  2. Starting July 15 the unvaccinated in Greece will only be able to eat in a restaurant or sit in a cafe by presenting a negative PCR test or a rapid test.

    This will include tourists who entered the country with a negative PCR test. I believe the test is only good for 3 days, which means tourists will need pay for PCR tests during their stay if they want to eat in restaurants or cafes.

    I can't wait to see what happens.

    The government says that only around 35% of the population has been vaccinated. Apparently, it's even lower on the island of Crete: 20%. Other regions of Greece are in the 25% range overall.

  3. Re: "2. … for every 3 lives saved by vaccination, 2 are lost due to adverse reactions to the vaccine."

    I found that paper compelling (and disturbing) myself. I haven't done a deep dive into the methodology yet, but to me it's a perfect modern-day example of something that urgently needs the same label that the British historian and travel writer of his day, Alexander William Kinglake, wanted tacked to the doors of churches:

    "Important if true."

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