World press freedom index 2014: USA sinks to #46
The World Press Freedom Index is issued yearly by international NGO Reporters Without Borders. The methodology for ranking nations is described here.
The World Press Freedom Index is issued yearly by international NGO Reporters Without Borders. The methodology for ranking nations is described here.
OPINION COMMENTARY Doctors should follow the evidence for promising therapies. Instead they demand certainty. By Joseph A. Ladapo Nov. 24, 2020 12:28 pm Fear and panic are central impediments to competent decision-making during a crisis. As Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations rise around the country, creating an atmosphere of crisis, political leaders are reaching for last spring’s…
Not sure why this is still a subject for debate. Animal models establish that Ebola can be transmitted via aerosol secretions under lab conditions. The question remaining is how often this happens in humans. Maybe it does; maybe it doesn’t. Despite CDC protestations regarding airborne spread, the new guidelines for personal protective equipment issued by…
Below is a Wall Street Journal article I am reposting in full–Nass OPINION | COMMENTARY The Politics of Hydroxychloroquine Trump touted it, so Biden denounces it. The FDA has suspended a permit for its use. Let doctors decide. By Allysia Finley July 15, 2020 12:43 pm ET Hubert Humphrey began his career as a…
It’s not that hard to read between the lines… These slides I made for a talk 2 years ago this month.
In April 2021, the Biden administration made an announcement that the federal government would not be mandating a vaccine passport system in the United States. White House press secretary Jen Psaki stated: Let me be very clear on this, I know there’s been lots of questions. The government is not now, nor will we be,…
The ABC News blogger Jacob Tapper (“Political Punch“) provides more detail about what the administration is complaining about in the intelligence bill, and its anthrax issue. Yet Tapper points out, In addition, the Intelligence Authorization bill would commission an agency inspector general to investigate the anthrax attacks, which the FBI has concluded were planned and…