FBI bars Fla. from releasing Todashev autopsy/ Boston Globe

The Boston bombing case was horrific and unexplainable, unpardonable.  Yet the public lacks much evidence about it and no trial has taken place.

Where is the evidence the brothers made the bombs?  What is Dzhokhar’s side of the story?  Have you heard it?  One brother is dead and the other has been under wraps since he was captured… with or without a weapon? After how many shots were fired at the boat he was in?  Was Tamerlan alive when captured?  I have no opinion about these matters, but the press has presented multiple contradictory stories at different times.

Then there is Todashev.  The Globe tells us that this young man, here on asylum, had generally cooperated with the FBI, but was fatally shot in his apartment by FBI agents.  His apartment mate, who may have witnessed the events, was arrested and remains in prison, unable to speak with reporters about what she saw.  And now, with an autopsy completed, the FBI has ordered the medical examiner’s office not to release the report, “because of the federal agency’s active internal investigation into his death.”  This explanation makes no sense.

Meanwhile, a Rolling Stone magazine cover of accused Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has led chain stores like CVS to pull the magazine off its shelves.  (Also Stop and Shop, Tedeschi’s, 7-11, Walgreens and Rite-Aid refuse to carry the magazine.) Why?  No one is forcing anyone to buy it.  Why is a cover story– of an alleged bomber who has pleaded not guilty and has yet to have his day in court–being censored?  Is this the Soviet Gulag or the USA?

I am glad the NY Times took up this latest example of perverted patriotism, pointing out that Hitler’s face peppered many magazine covers, as did Charles Manson’s and Osama Bin Laden’s.  Censorship benefits no one.

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One Comment

  1. Dr. Nass wrote: "Where is the evidence the brothers made the bombs?"

    They found the store that sold the brothers the fireworks they used to make the bombs. They found empty fireworks casings in a bag the brothers owned. They found the bomb-making instructions on their computer.

    "What is Dzhokhar's side of the story? Have you heard it?"

    He wrote it on the inside of the boat where he was captured. He said they did it because Muslims were being bombed by the U.S. overseas.

    "One brother is dead and the other has been under wraps since he was captured… with or without a weapon?"

    What difference does it make if Dzhokhar had a weapon when he was captured? There are PHOTOGRAPHS of the two brothers shooting and throwing bombs at the police.

    "After how many shots were fired at the boat he was in?"

    What difference does it make how many shots were fired at the boat he was in? He wasn't hit by any of them. He was captured alive. His injuries were from the shootout on Laurel Street.

    "Was Tamerlan alive when captured?"

    Tamerlan was wounded but alive when the police handcuffed him, but then the police had to jump out of the way as Dzhokhar raced at them in a car. Tamerlan was still alive after his brother ran him over and dragged him 25 feet under his car, but he died either at the hospital or on his way to the hospital.

    "I have no opinion about these matters …"

    Maybe, but it certainly appears you do.


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