White powder letters spook Washington as anthrax attack recalled/ Int’l Business Times

Curious timing of anthrax letters arriving at DC schools.  Might they have been sent in support of the child vaccine trial?  From IBT:

Nearly 30 schools in Washington DC have received envelopes containing a mysterious white powder and with ‘AL AQEDA-FBI’ written on them, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Thursday. Preliminary testing has proved that the powder was not harmful, the FBI has said.

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  1. from Shawn Siegel:

    Not only *might* the anthrax letters been in "support" of the child vaccine trial, it's not likely there was any other reason. After all, it follows the consistent, established pattern of problem; reaction; solution.

    Out from the shadow, government!

  2. "Curious timing of anthrax letters arriving at DC schools. Might they have been sent in support of the child vaccine trial?"

    As to timing, the same letters were sent last year also to some DC public schools. They are part of a broader investigation and do not have a recent origin.

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