DOD’S Current Policy on Exemptions from Anthrax Vaccine
This slide is from a DOD presentation to medical providers.
A local Maryland paper provides new information from a colleague who worked at USAMRIID with Ivins through 2007, and published USAMRIID’s official response to questions.
“The Food and Drug Administration late Friday approved the first coronavirus test that can be conducted entirely at the point of care for a patient — and deliver results in 45 minutes. The FDA granted “emergency use authorization” to Cepheid, a California company that makes a rapid molecular test for the coronavirus. The turnaround time for Cepheid’s…
Steve Nissen, head of Cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic, authored an editorial in JAMA last month on the means by which GlaxoSmithKline tried to cover up increased cardiac events in patients on its drug Avandia (Rosiglitazone). JAMA’s editor, Catherine DeAngelis, wrote her own editorial on this issue, noting: According to the article by Nissen,1 the…
I decided to just say briefly what happened yesterday at the NBSB conference call. Every member of the NBSB, with the exception of Iowa’s top public health officer, Patricia Quinlisk, MD, voted in favor of testing anthrax vaccine in children. Kudos to Dr. Quinlisk for making clear that her public health background precluded agreement. Panel…
Marcia Angell completes her tour de force analysis of the underpinnings of psychiatry and its medications in the second part of her article, “The Illusions of Psychiatry” in the NY Review of Books.
First, I got about 250 new subscribers since my last post (not even 24 hours ago) on my case and the suppression of doctors, and 34 new paid subscribers—more than for any one post previously. I am now over 25,000 subscribers and I am tremendously grateful to everyone for reading and spreading the information I…