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Why doctors and researchers need access to hydroxychloroquine / The Hill BY PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, M.D., OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 08/07/20 10:30 AM THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY CONTRIBUTORS ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT THE VIEW OF THE HILL On July 6, a team of doctors from Henry Ford Hospital, supported by physicians from Baylor University Medical Center, submitted an urgent request to the Food and Drug Administration…
Research links rise in Falluja birth defects and cancers to US assault/ The Guardian
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EUA Vaccines, Mandates and the US Military: Legal and Historical Issues/Meryl Nass
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David Kelly, ten years on: A spectacular failure of accountability / New Statesman
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UK, set to lose 77,000 National Health Service Employees, blinked. Mandates gone. GONE!!! Sajid Javid set to scrap requirements after warnings that jabs policy could lead to shortage of 80.000 workers Gabriella Swerling, Ben Riley-Smith,POLITICAL EDITOR 30 January 2022 • 10:00pm Mandatory Covid jabs for NHS and social care workers are set to be scrapped, The Telegraph can reveal, after warnings of crippling staff shortages if the plan went ahead. Sajid…