If you were losing $50-100 million a year, wouldn’t it make sense to start telling the truth–you could be the first paper to do so–advertise it–and see if you didn’t make a big turnaround?
I'm looking at you, Washington Post and LA Times
What do you think it will take for some mainstream media to return to unbiased reporting of facts? To restricting their controllers’ opinions to the Op-Ed page?
One problem is that all the honest reporters were fired or quit as the media turned from news to propaganda. And a bunch of ethically-challenged hacks have taken their place. Journalism schools have not been turning out real reporters. And investigative reporting went the way of the dinosaur, since who has the money to pay for detailed investigations whose findings might tar the rich and powerful? Then we also have to identify and get rid of the controllers. While it may be hard to identify the truth in every case, there are still lots of times the truth is unequivocal. And I suggest that media need to be held to an accuracy standard of some kind in order to be licensed by the FCC.
The Associated Press is seeking “meaningful” donations. Like the multi-million dollar gifts Bill Gates gives to the Guardian and the Telegraph to produce stories he likes on global health?
AP lost two of its biggest subscribers in April:
From Axios last January 18:
Why not try truth? You’ve tried improving your online presence, tried cooperating with government enablers, and all you got were less and less readers. The days of big gifts from Gates , Soros and the USG are about to end. Why not try going back to being a real NEWSpaper again? What have you got to lose?
ADDENDUM NOV. 20: https://dailynewscycle.com/morning-joe-hosts-address-reports-of-comcast-selling-msnbc/
Reports surfaced recently that Comcast is planning to spin off its suite of NBC-Universal-owned cable channels, including MSNBC, CNBC, USA Network, and others. The Wall Street Journal stated that Comcast is moving forward with the plan, acknowledging the changing value of its cable TV assets.