I added 5 more graphics to build out the story of super globalist attorney Lawrence O. Gostin, if you are interested

And some good news: WHO looks like it is going to call off the global $Moneypox crisis. Bavarian Nordic, the Jynneos vaccine manufacturer, lost 16% of its value this week.

Professor and attorney Lawrence O. Gostin is one of the most prolific people in the world. No kidding. He tells us that himself in his bio:

A systematic empirical analysis of legal scholarship, independent researchers ranked Prof. Gostin 1st in the nation in productivity among all law professors.

All his work appears to be at the behest of his globalist masters. Probably he has a team that does most of the writing and research for him, while he gets all the credit, but I am just speculating.

Gostin is on practically every committee that is designed to bring about every awful public health initiative. Not just in the US, but also in the UK and at the WHO. He received an honorary degree in Australia, so he probably has a hand in their awful public health policies as well. His superpower is putting a legal and academic imprimatur on totalitarianism. And using specious arguments to push the Global Biosecurity Agenda on the world.

Gostin figured out how to turn Governors into dictators, and he pushed his Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) through 40 state legislatures (according to Wikipedia; I thought it was more) — without which, the COVID lockdowns could not have been effected.

He doesn’t come cheap. On top of his (then) two professorships at two universities, CDC paid him about $1,000,000 for the MSEHPA. I once suggested, at the beginning of the pandemic, that he give a talk at a conference to explain the MSEHPA and the organizer asked me to see if he would. I called, and I remember Gostin’s charge was in the many $thousands (can’t recall how many) so he was not invited.

Please check out his Georgetown University website and my substack yesterday to learn more about this wily gentleman, who never misses an opportunity for self-promotion. For example, see how, both on yesterday’s webinar and on yesterday’s Democracy Now! show, his latest book was prominently displayed.

BTW, Gostin dropped another nugget at the webinar, noting that the US government has generously been trying to donate Monkeypox vaccines to the Congo for many years, but we couldn’t do it because the vaccine did not have regulatory approval in the Congo or at the WHO. [It did get WHO approval recently, BTW.]. Gostin further said that, “Biden announced millions of doses [for Africa] in September, but they still have not been shipped.”

The 2 US vaccines for Monkeypox (both originally designed for smallpox) are both proven to cause heart inflammation. ACAM2000 caused elevated troponins (cardiac enzymes) in one in 30 naive military recipients, and frank myocarditis in one in 175. This was found in a very carefully done military study performed by Renata Engler et al., and the one in 175 rate (5.7 per 1,000) confirmed by CDC in a June 23, 2022 presentation by Dr. Brett Petersen, who was CDC’s Principal Investigator in a study of Jynneos vaccine performed in the Congo from 2017-2020. I have shown CDC’s slides on this in several talks I have given on the subject of Monkeypox. BTW, Petersen’s results from his Congo study have never been published nor presented, so the clinical trial in Congolese health care workers must have revealed bad news about Jynneos. That is what it takes to be a Captain in the Public Health Service at CDC—you have to know when to keep your mouth shut and hide your results.

The Jynneos vaccine caused up to 6-10% of naive recipients (naive means without a prior smallpox vaccination) to have an elevation of troponin, but neither the manufacturer nor FDA would reveal how high those elevations were. The 2 small studies that found this are archived in the prelicensure packet on FDA’s Jynneos website.

Note that CDC acknowledges in the above slide that the risk of myopericarditis is “believed to be lower” for Jynneos than for the ACAM2000 Monkeypox vaccine. “Believed to be” means “we are hoping it is.”

Why would the US government be anxious to give away its Jynneos vaccine to the Congo for many years BEFORE the 2024 outbreak, for a disease that is a minor annoyance, equivalent to a case of shingles, and a disease we now know (after the BS hype) that kills almost no one… that killed no one in the 6 weeks of data from all of Africa that WHO released last (and which I discussed on this substack)?

  1. They wanted additional data on safety and efficacy from a country where Monkeypox is endemic, though mild

  2. They wanted to use up the millions of stockpiled doses so they would have an excuse to buy more, presumably someone getting a kickback of some kind

  3. They wanted to cause myocarditis in Congolese recipients

Happy to entertain other ideas about why the USG wanted to help the Congo with unproven Monkeypox vaccines before there was a big monkeypox outbreak in the Congo.

Well, it looks like the WHO is going to give up hyping MPOX, so maybe now the Monkeypox baloney will die down, but will some other “existential threat” take its place in the news?

Back to Professor Gostin.

His job on yesterday’s Democracy Now was to shred Bobby Kennedy. However, his superlatives about the US health agencies probably made most viewers wonder what planet Gostin was from.

Here’s some of what he said from the DN! transcript, followed by my translations:

I can’t think of a darker time for public health in America and globally than now. And with the appointment of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead all of our nation’s esteemed scientific agencies, it really does make my heart sink.

Translation: I am a real, emotional person, not a cardboard globalist cutout

… he’ll be the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, which covers all of our most venerable scientific agencies: the US FDA, the CDC, NIH — and the list goes on and on…

Maybe he meant vulnerable? — for perjury before Congress, data fabrication, falsification (fabrication and falsification are specific types of punishable scientific misconduct), money laundering— and the list goes on and on…

And this is the point. Those agencies set the gold standard for science and public health recommendations. If Kennedy were actually confirmed by the Senate, it would mean that the world’s most influential and well-funded anti-science skeptic and anti-vaccinationist would be the head of it, where he has no fidelity to truth, to science. And he spews out public, really, lies about vaccines, raw milk, ivermectin, water fluoridization. He will make America sick, certainly not healthier again.

Fluoridation is the process of adding fluoride to public water supplies to help prevent tooth decay,” according to Google. The brilliant professor had to invent a word since he apparently knows nothing about fluoridation—but that did not stop him from saying Kennedy lies about something Gostin can’t even pronounce.

BTW, according to Marianne Williamson, “Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland have stopped adding fluoride to their water systems.” So much for being a fringe theory.

Kennedy imho tells the truth about vaccines, ivermectin, raw milk and fluoride—and there are a ton of scientific studies to support him. I have some ivermectin in the cupboard (“just in case,” since we don’t know if the authorities will again interfere with it being dispensed using illegal means: scaring doctors and pharmacists by threatening investigations for noncompliance) and some raw milk in the fridge. Thankfully, my state allows raw milk to be sold in stores. Thankfully, Gostin’s attempts to implement global public health rules have so far failed, and I’m happy to have helped kick Gostin’s efforts to the curb.

You know, basically, agencies like the NIH that set treatment guidelines, the FDA, which approves drugs and vaccines, and CDC, which has public health guidelines and has a presence in 65 countries around the world, they rely on U.S. agencies. And once Trump and RFK Jr. poison the well of science and evidence, fomenting distrust in CDC and state and local health officials, this is a huge problem not just for the United States, for the world. I can tell you there’s great trepidation in Geneva, in Africa, Latin America, parts of Asia. And I hear it every single day. It really is a dark day for global public health…

NIH is not an agency with authority to set treatment guidelines. It did so during COVID under Fauci and Collins to stop the use of HCQ and ivermectin, and impose remdesivir and vaccines instead. It must not be allowed to do this again.

CDC has probably lost whatever global credibility it had from COVID. Trump and Kennedy have promised to open CDC and FDA’s books to learn what the real science and data reveal. Not the cherrypicked, made-to-order data.

Delighted to see there is great trepidation in Geneva, Gostin’s home away from home. Geneva needs to know we will not be going along with any of its anti-human agendas.

… he’s the world’s most influential, well-funded anti-vaxxer in the world, and he’s probably single-handedly responsible for thousands of preventable illnesses and deaths by fomenting distrust in what is really a public health miracle and what CDC has called the greatest public health tool of our lifetimes. And it is.

Which planet is Gostin on again?

Keep an eye on this guy. Where he goes, trouble follows.

ADDENDUM: Well, lookie here! It seems that Professor Gostin does not want to create any more out-of-work doctors like me. BTW, he is a major spreader of misinformation about the WHO treaties and many other things, so perhaps this is an attempt to make misinformation okay again. Or maybe he is going on record like this to try and retain his grants during a Trump administration.


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