RFK, Jr. says he will go after the Medical Boards to investigate collusion that caused them to delicense doctors like me for correctly treating COVID and telling the truth
Go to the link for the video
Go to the link for the video
They are working fast to take down the system to "Build Back Better" for their dystopian future
They are working fast to take down the system to “Build Back Better” for their dystopian future
They want a Brave New World and they want it NOW. Test-tube babies, anyone?
They want a Brave New World and they want it NOW. Test-tube babies, anyone?
Blinken's brinksmanship goes where, now? Can we get some adults in the room yet?
Blinken’s brinksmanship goes where, now? Can we get some adults in the room yet?
But over 600,000 twitter followers saw through him. They want to control and reduce food. But we see it. And it's an election year, and you don't win an election by culling cattle.
But over 600,000 twitter followers saw through him. They want to control and reduce food. But we see it. And it’s an election year, and you don’t win an election by culling cattle.
This will be a 3 part series. Part 2 will focus on how adverse event causality assessments should be made. Part 3 will reveal how the WHO corrupts the process. for vaccines.
This will be a 3 part series. Part 2 will focus on how adverse event causality assessments should be made. Part 3 will reveal how the WHO corrupts the process. for vaccines.
From the front page of today's NYT the Biden campaign relies on its brainwashed minions to disbelieve their lying eyes
From the front page of today’s NYT the Biden campaign relies on its brainwashed minions to disbelieve their lying eyes