I just heard, by chance, the most extraordinary information about how DOJ turned Trump into a felon for questionably doing things that Biden has continued to do for 50 years, in and out of office

This info has been massively suppressed. Hardly anyone knows about Attorney Joe Sweeney or his book, published by him 2 months ago. Pre-election there's a need to know

I happened to see it on X, and old friends at UK Column were interviewing Joe Sweeney so I tuned in, not knowing what I would hear. The interview went POOF after it was over, at least for now. But there is a book and website. The info is clearly being suppressed online and in the MSM.

Joe Sweeney (West Point grad and the CIA’s former Chief Litigation Officer) worked on classified documents as a CIA attorney. Now retired, he reveals the extraordinary truth about Joe Biden’s 50 year history of mishandling of classified documents, hand-picked by Joe to bring home, in notes and folders written in Joe’s handwriting. (Joe was never the sharpest tool in the shed and made no attempt to disguise this crime.) How Joe was told over and over, over many years, to stop this practice, but never did. How classified documents were located all over his home, since his early years as a Senator, and were intended for use in his memoir, which was being ghostwritten.

How the DOJ protected him, and even allowed his private attorneys access to the documents despite not having security clearances, yet another criminal offense.

There is no evidence that Trump himself intended to bring classified documents home: they were packed by others and may have been sent to Mar a Lago to implicate him in a crime he never committed.

I honestly could not believe the details I was hearing in a UK Column interview with Mr. Sweeney on X. It seems that interview cannot be accessed now, so I am providing other ways to obtain this information.

First, consider getting it on Kindle and listening today and then sharing the information.


There is considerable additional information on Mr. Sweeney’s own website about this story:


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