WHO’s top expert on pandemic preparedness gives a vacant but revealing interview to STAT

Moron Maria Van Kerkhove, who got her PhD working under Neil Ferguson OBE at Imperial College (THAT Neil who has never yet predicted a pandemic correctly, always over-alarming, always being contracted to do it again, and whose advice explicitly led to US and UK lockdowns, which he very publicly transgressed) spoke with Helen Branhall of STAT. For some reason the article is not under a paywall. Read it. It doesn’t say much.

Here are the drunk, the skunk, and the junk scientist, WHO’s brain trust:

And here is a typical Maria tweet:

Maria learned epidemiology from the field’s top charlatan (Neil) who is now the Director of the School of Public Health at Imperial’s medical school. No surprises there. She has never treated a person or an animal, so I guess it is fitting that she is the WHO’s Acting Director of epidemic and pandemic preparedness and prevention. Because you don’t want anyone with competence or experience around, since they might question the narrative or issue recommendations that are useful. You want a dummy who will repeat whatever they are told, and be awfully grateful to have the job.

Anyway, Dr. Maria PhD said the world is watching how the U.S., with its advanced scientific expertise, is responding to this outbreak. No blame of course. She just wants more testing and more data.

Apparently she is unhappy that US officials are not using the “One Health approach” and the bird watchers, farmers, doctors, USDA and FDA are not all working together to jointly stamp out bird flu. And following that, writing papers about how using the One Health approach and spending zillions of dollars and bringing all the experts together they solved an insurmountable problem: pink eye.

So, the USG is still hiding its bird flu data. Guess they don’t want any factoids leaking out that might contradict the narrative they may need to spring before the election?

The fact that the USG refuses to go along with the pandemic preparedness narrative when the epidemic is in its own backyard should tell you everything you need to know about so-called pandemic preparedness. It’s for the little guy. We (the USA) ARE the rules-based order, and we make up the rules as we go along.

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