Constituents make a difference. My D. Rep. Jared Golden crossed over and voted to require Senate confirmation of all international pandemic treaties. Only 4 D’s did so.

Good for him! Good for the constituents who kept contacting him about the issue!

Representative Jared Golden was given lots of information on the WHO. Top staffers of the Congressman met with constituents who tried to educate them on the WHO efforts.

Rep. Golden initially replied to his constituents with misinformation about the WHO—boilerplate info that many Democrat members were given.

Constituents contacted him, provided the correct information. But his office then sent out different letters about the WHO, still filled with misinformation, such as that the WHO’ orders would be only recommendations and non-binding. (You see, the only way the WHO could get these documents passed was to lie about what was in them. And those lies were spread widely.)

At that point I lambasted him and his staff for ignoring the facts and spreading lies. I assumed he was a lost cause.

However, Jared is in a tight race in a slightly R-favoring district. And so yesterday, when push came to shove, he saw the light and voted for the people, and against giving up health sovereignty to the WHO.

If so many constituents had not kept after him, I doubt this would have happened.

Kudos to Jared and to the citizens who won’t give up!

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