The (now) 47 member nation Africa group made its own proposal to the WHA yesterday regarding the Pandemic Agreement
Unlike the US proposal, the language is clear and the ask is simple
This is what the Africa group suggests:
That the INB (International Negotiating Body) continue in its present form to negotiate a pandemic treaty. [This prevents the bureaucrats from swapping out negotiators who they felt would not go along. It also means that the negotiators will all have the necessary institutional memory of the process so far, and can avoid having to rework areas already handled. And it means that no new negotiating body will be created whose members could be wild cards. I like this!]
That future negotiations be time-limited, to conclude with anoter special session of the entire World Health Assembly before the end of 2024. [This stops the process from being dragged out forever, from costing nations too much, and yet provides a reasonable timeline for discussions to be concluded. It is likely that the negotiations will therefore end in November after the US presidential elections. This is something the globalists did not want, given the positions of Tump and Kennedy on the WHO.]
Let’s hope they can achieve agreement. This would be a fair process. And it gives us more time to educate the people and the policymakers about the pandemic preparedness agenda.
ADDENDUM: This just appeared: