A very brief summary of the new WHO proposal on PABS and One Health
my opinion only
The WHO International Negotiating Body (INB) for the Pandemic Agreement is unable to move forward with an acceptable version (presumably this means acceptable to the globalists) of the:
a) “One Health” approach and
b) the Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing (PABS) system.
Remember that if a vote is taken, passage of the Pandemic Agreement/Treaty will require a 2/3 vote of the 194 member nations, or what you might think is 130 nations in agreement. However, the rules say that the WHO needs a 2/3 vote of members present in the room and voting. So one strategy of the globalists will be to try and turn NO votes into either abstentions or to convince potential NO votes to not show up for the vote. Watch for this strategy.
Both One Health (gaining WHO authority over everything in the world through redefining humans, plants, animals and ecosystems as all critical to “health”) and PABS (to expedite the rollout of pandemics whenever they are desired, without the ability to identify where they came from since they will have been “shared globally”) are central to what the globalists want to achieve. So these two proposals cannot be jettisoned or postponed for very long.
Furthermore, the WHO process of negotiation needs to appear successful (to keep everyone inside the tent and avoid nations jumping off the bandwagon). Also, there will be a huge amount of difficult future negotiations about what exactly nations are committing to do and who will pay for it, how nations will be induced to comply, etc., so they can’t fail at the first stage.
Therefore a Resolution has been floated to essentially create two NEW committees that will perform further negotiations on PABS, and two other new committees that will perform further negotiations on One Health.
IMHO, the main reason for floating the 4 new committees is to create 4 groups with new negotiators who will be more agreeable with going along with the globalist program.
It is a way of emasculating the existing INB committee which reached an impasse and turning the contentious issues over to new people who will be chosen very, very carefully. As will the WHO staff who will ride herd over them. It is simply a way of further gaming the system.
It also looks as if the EU is now negotiating for the 27 individual EU countries, even though there has not been an acknowledgement by its member nations that it has the competence to do so. Below is the language in the resolution and the EU is the only regional economic integration organization on planet earth, and it is likely that this is also an attempt to supercede the lower house of the Dutch parliament’s vote instructing the Dutch government to delay the 2 votes or vote NO. Other European nations are considering similar actions, so allowing the EU to vote for all is yet another end run around national sovereignty.
CALLS UPON all States and regional economic integration organizations entitled to do so, to consider signing, ratifying, accepting, approving, formally confirming or acceding to the Agreement at the earliest opportunity, with a view to bringing the Agreement into force as soon as possible;