If the good guys can’t resolve their petty differences, how will we ever defeat the bad guys?
Surely we can have a discussion among ourselves about certain things?
The world-class psychological warfare purveyors managed to turn the world into two camps that hated each other.
One group didn’t take a vaccine. The other group took the vaccine, convinced they were being experimental subjects for the good of society, and hated those who refused to take the same risk for their selfishness. They obeyed the command to hate that was promulgated by the media. Just like the population obeyed the identical command in the book and movie 1984 by George Orwell. In the 75 years since the book was written, and so many of us have read it, we have apparently learned nothing about good and evil, love and hate.
After all, the population must have it heard it at least 100 times, and really, how many people can withstand that kind of onslaught? “Nobody is safe until everyone is safe.” What a brilliant slogan! My vaccine won’t work until everyone gets a vaccine that won’t work, and then magically they will all start working together, in perfect harmony. George Orwell could not have done better.
The camp I was in hated the vaccinated camp because the other guys wanted to put us into concentration camps, force vaccinate us, and throw us out of polite society.
And now it is 4 years later and what have we learned? Not much.
They still kinda hate us because we dodged a bullet and they didn’t. How dare we? And the other guys can’t admit they were snookered, badly, and they encouraged those they most loved to get the poison shot.
We still kinda hate them because they won’t admit they made a mistake. They took our jobs, our reputations, our businesses and they have no intention of trying to make things right for us.
What an impasse! Ego, ignorance, fear and the impossibility of facing up to the mistakes one made have taken a heavy toll on all of us.
But now the so-called good guys are spending way too much time carping and sniping at each other.
The “No Virus” crowd demand the rest of us admit there was no COVID. Some in this crowd demand we admit there are no viruses. Some have questioned the presence of bacteria as well. There are plenty of good people in this crowd. There are plenty of charlatans too. Have any of them actually grappled with the consequences of their theory?
If there was no COVID, the indisputable corollaries are:
That there is no long covid. Buck up sick people, as you are in fact well. Or some of you have some other undiagnosed condition.
There is no treatment or preventive for covid since there was no covid. None of those remedies you took had any effect. Your apparent benefit was solely due to the power of suggestion.
Those of us who insist we treated covid are moronic doctors. Both sets of doctors are morons: those who used remdesivir and ventilators and those who used Vitamin D, HCQ and IVM. Most (99% plus) primary care docs and intensivists fit in one of those categories.
Fauci, Baric, Daszac, Zhengli-Shi etc. are guilty of nothing, since they failed to create a pandemic virus, because there was no virus. There will be no trials. There are no guilty parties. The entire pandemic and all its follow-on effects were due to collective psychosis, nothing more.
No one died from COVID. Either they died from something else or they are still alive, somewhere.
What were people dying from in Lombardy, Wuhan and NYC and later everywhere else? Or was that faked? My son and his wife were caring for people who they knew (doctors and nurses) at NY Presbyterian Hospital and they thought they died from COVID in March 2020. The hospital was overrun with such patients for a period of weeks. By the time traveling nurses were hired to deal with the high volume, the rush of cases had dissipated. If everyone (both patients and professionals) was wrapped up in a mass psychosis, why did the episode stop so quickly?
Had doctors begun a killing spree even at the very start of the pandemic, putting perfectly healthy people on ventilators, and giving them boluses of midazolam and morphine to ease their iatrogenic deaths, all over the world? Or was that practice limited to certain locations, like the UK?
Where is the evidence that people with normal oxygen levels were being placed on ventilators? (There is no such evidence.)
If there was no COVID, then it did not spread. Family members and associates did not get it from index cases—yet the evidence says it spread within close associates.
If there was no covid, then Governor Cuomo and other Governors sending sick patients back to nursing homes to spread it to the elderly and infirm never actually happened. Then how do you explain that over 80% of deaths in many locations occurred in nursing homes?
Here is what I think. People have lost the ability to distinguish between a bad argument and the person promoting that argument. We don’t discuss the pros and cons. Instead we dismiss the person making the argument and call them “controlled opposition” or “chaos agent” or “friend of chaos agent” or something similar.
I doctor I respect recently wrote that he ghosted me, despite my obvious sincerity, because I had given support to a third doctor. Guys, this type of thinking fractures our movement.
Obviously sincere Michael Yeadon challenged obviously sincere Tess Lawrie because she pushed for early treatment. His feeling was that since there is no virus, those calling for treatment need to be called out.
If there is much more of this, I may have to call it a day and give up on the human race. Why are we falling into the traps of the hate-mongers? Why can’t we put some of our truly unimportant differences aside in order to save the species and avoid becoming many fewer chipped robots?
Can we get back to arguing about arguments and stop attacking people for holding those positions? Can’t we become as smart as high school debate team members?