We shined the light on the IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty and some bad things have been removed in the new drafts
But their plan is the same, and like the lockdowns, it is one step back and two steps forward for the globalists
But their plan is the same, and like the lockdowns, it is one step back and two steps forward for the globalists
The plan to take over everything in the world using “one hellth” of course remains. Embedded within our national governments, as well as within the pandemic treaty.
I will be writing much more about that over the next few days.
The show is "Left on Left" and its intention is to educate lefties on Radio Station WBAI (and others) and broaden their perspective on what COVID really was.
The show is “Left on Left” and its intention is to educate lefties on Radio Station WBAI (and others) and broaden their perspective on what COVID really was.
Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/someone-from-the-countermeasuresThis was in response to a query from ACIP’s consumer member, Ms. McNally. This federal employee’s prepared statement included the claim that prompt adjudication of claims was extremely important to the CICP, a subagency within HRSA, an agency within DHHS. However, 95% of COVID-related claims have yet to be adjudicated. So I thought…
But it won't be for long, since computer "doctors" will soon surface. First the authorities make going to the doctor as miserable as possible. Then the computer option starts looking pretty good...
But it won’t be for long, since computer “doctors” will soon surface. First the authorities make going to the doctor as miserable as possible. Then the computer option starts looking pretty good…
About time the academics had something worthwhile to read. Thank you Elizabeth Woodworth.
About time the academics had something worthwhile to read. Thank you Elizabeth Woodworth.
Kudos to the amazing panelists, their honesty, and the Aligned Council that hosted this meeting. https://vimeo.com/943458925/31ac6ebe30?share=copy#t=1159.299
Kudos to the amazing panelists, their honesty, and the Aligned Council that hosted this meeting. https://vimeo.com/943458925/31ac6ebe30?share=copy#t=1159.299
These are the standards for emergency license suspension in Maine, and they are probably similar in your state. Has your Board followed the rules? Mine didn't.
These are the standards for emergency license suspension in Maine, and they are probably similar in your state. Has your Board followed the rules? Mine didn’t.