Here is a model letter that might be a starting point for an attorney general to notify the President that he will not agree to transfer health sovereignty of his citizens to the WHO

A joint Sovereignty Coalition-Door to Freedom effort to help you approach lawmakers. Door to Freedom is here to give you all the assistance we can muster in our mutual quest to remain free.

Re: Threats to the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens posed by proposed amendments to the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations (IHR) and a New Pandemic Treaty.

Honorable Joe Biden

The White House

Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

As the chief legal officers of our respective States, charged not only with enforcing the law, but also with securing the civil and other rights of our citizens, we oppose two instruments now under negotiation that would give the World Health Organization (WHO) unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the United States and her people.

If adopted, these proposed accords would threaten national sovereignty, undermine states’ rights, and imperil constitutionally guaranteed freedoms via: a) a package of amendments that would radically transform the WHO’s existing International Health Regulations (IHRs); and b) a new “Pandemic Agreement” (in fact, a treaty) .

Both of these instruments have a common purpose, namely, to grant the WHO, and specifically its unelected, unaccountable Director-General, the authority to restrict U.S. citizens’ rights, for example, to freedom of speech, privacy, movement (especially travel across borders), choice of medical care and informed consent, and violate our Constitution’s First, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments.

We must, therefore, oppose such accords on the following grounds:

1. If the two proposed instruments were to be adopted, the WHO would be transformed from an advisory, charitable organization into the world’s governor of public health. The WHO is currently limited to an advisory role and has no authority to enforce its recommendations. But, under the proposed IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty, the WHO’s Director-General would achieve the power unilaterally to declare a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC) in one or more member nations. Such declarations can include perceived or potential emergencies other than pandemics, including for example: climate change, immigration, gun violence or even “emergencies” involving plants, animals or ecosystems.

2. The proposed IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty would further surrender sovereignty to the WHO as its Director-General would be authorized to dictate what must be done in response to such a declared PHEIC. America’s elected representatives would no longer set the nation’s public health policies. And, under the WHO’s proposed agreements, American citizens would be obliged to comply with whatever the Director-General orders concerning

mitigation of these emergencies. That could include determining the treatments they will receive or be prohibited from receiving.

3. Other problems abound with both the proposed IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty, including: the institution of a global surveillance infrastructure, ostensibly in the interest of public health, but with the inherent opportunity for control, as with Communist China’s “social credit system”; obliging states parties to establish means of censoring speech about public health “emergencies” and WHO-directed policies concerning them; and requiring what would amount to the proliferation of potential biological weapons.

4. Responsibility for public health policy is not among the federal government’s enumerated powers under the U.S. Constitution. It is, therefore, reserved for the states. The federal government certainly cannot transfer any authority for public health policy to the WHO given that it does not, in fact, exercise that authority.

We, the undesigned State Attorneys General, will resist any attempt to transfer authority to the World Health Organization for public policy affecting our citizens and any effort the WHO might undertake to assert such authority over them.


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