Here is the evidence (from 2004-2014) that our governments tried to kill us by restricting HCQ. WHY? Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t kill *people* unless you overdose. But it does kill *coronaviruses.*
This is critically important evidence that our governments deliberately harmed us by suppressing this drug. Please save/share. France produced fake news on HCQ last week.
After SARS-1 occurred in 2002-2003, many nations’ scientists tried to find remedies for it. These Belgian scientists showed that the chloroquine drugs worked against SARS-1 in 2004, and recommended it for both prophylaxis (where it could potentially supercede the need for a vaccine) and treatment of SARS-1.
By 2005, scientists at CDC and in Canada, not to be outdone, showed exactly the same thing: it could be used for prevention or treatment. AND it stopped transmission, unlike the vaccines that Rochelle Walensky admitted in August 2021 “could no longer do.” Let me repeat myself: the US CDC knew in 2005 that chloroquine worked to prevent or treat the SARS-1 coronavirus. They KNEW.
Scientists in Holland showed that 4 drugs, including the chloroquine (CQ and HCQ) drugs, worked against the related beta coronavirus that caused MERS in 2014.
The very next article in the same journal came from Tony Fauci’s NIAID, which has a branch adjacent to or inside of Fort Detrick, and the authors included several old Fort Detrick scientists. These NIH scientists found that 66 drugs had efficacy against MERS and/or SARS-1, and the 66 drugs included chloroquine (CQ) and its cousin hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which worked against both viruses.
The critical information is that both the CDC and the NIH’s infectious disease branch already had many known treatments for beta coronaviruses, and they hid them from us as COVID ravaged the country. Most of the 66 drugs they found probably worked against SARS-2 as well; the chloroquine drugs certainly did.
There were several overdose trials I know of and have written about: the WHO’s Solidarity trial, the UK’s Recovery trial, and a multicenter trial in ICU patients called REMAP-COVID, all over dosed using HCQ. A high and normal dose trial of CQ in Brazil overdosed 41 patients, of whom 16 died if I remember correctly.
There are only a few hypotheses to explain this.
The disease was deliberately spread and the suppression of treatment was already planned. This theory accords with the fact that Agnes Buzyn, Macron’s Minister of Health in France, began the process of ending HCQ’s status as an OTC drug in October of 2019. Buzyn’s husband Yves Levy runs a vaccine research institute. The drug had to be suppressed to make way for a vaccine.
The disease escaped a lab by October and was immediately seen as an opportunity to test a new vaccine platform. In order to make that happen, the treatment had to be suppressed until at least a vaccine could be marketed. In both cases 1 and 2 above, those in the know would have had to be willing to let millions die without effective treatment, and quietly allow or promote ineffective treatments like remdesivir, ventilation, etc.
Regardless of whether the SARS-2 virus leaked or was deliberately spread, there was already a plan in place to use the next pandemic to bring in digital vaccine passports. Everything points to a near-term plan to get rid of cash and bring in central bank digital currency or another form of digital money, and possibly a social credit system of sorts would soon follow.
To create the need for boosters and keeping track of them electronically, the disease had to last a very prolonged period of time. Lockdowns helped prolong it. Suppression of effectve treatment was also needed to prolong it.
New variants potentially may have been introduced with an eye to prolonging the pandemic.
The vigor with which the vaccines have been pushed and even mandated suggests intent to harm, at least starting in 2022, when their harms and lack of benefit became obvious. The mandates were only introduced after the vaccines were illegally licensed (but only EUA vaccine was made available) on August 23, 2021. But Rochelle Walensky told the world in earlier August (6th, 8th or 9th) that they did not prevent spread—the only justification for a mandate being to prevent spread to others. So this was an intent to do harm as well.